Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/614

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1894

Review and corrective measures. Ante, p. 1887.

Post, p. 1904.

Ante, p. 1893.

Presidential recommendation.

Post, p. 1906.

PUBLIC LAW 95-523—OCT. 27, 1978 " (2) Upon achievement of the 3 per centum goal specified in subsection (b)(2), each succeeding Economic Report shall have the goal of achieving by 1988 a rate of inflation of zero per centum: Provided, That policies and programs for reducing the rate of inflation shall be designed so as not to impede achievement of the goals and timetables specified in clause (1) of this subsection for the reduction of unempl<wment. "(d) In the second Economic Report after enactment of the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, the President shall review the numerical goals and timetables for the reduction of unemployment and inflation and the goal of balancing the Federal budget; report to the Congress on the degree of progress being made, the programs and policies being used, and any obstacles to achieving such goals and timetables; and, if necessary, propose corrective economic measures toward achievement of such goals and timetables: Provided, That beginning with the second Report and in any subsequent Reports, if the President finds it necessary, the President may recommend modification of the timetable or timetables for the achievement of the goals provided for in subsection (b) and the annual numerical goals to make them consistent with the modified timetable or timetables, and the Congress may take such action as it deems appropriate consistent with title III of the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978. "(e) If, after achievement of the 3 and 4 per centum goals specified in subsection (b), the unemployment rate for a year as set forth pursuant to section 3(d) of this Act is more than 3 per centum among individuals aged twenty and over or more than 4 per centum among individuals aged sixteen and over, the next Economic Report after such rate is set forth and each succeeding Economic Report shall include (as part of the five-year goals in each Economic Report) the interim numerical goal of reducing unemployment to not more than the levels specified in subsection (b)(1) as soon as practicable but not later than the fifth calendar year after the first such Economic Report, counting as the first calendar year the year in which such Economic Report is issued: Provided, That, if the President finds it necessary, the President may, under the authority provided in subsection (d), recommend modification of the timetable provided for in this subsection for the reduction of unemployment, and for the purposes of section 304 of the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, such recommendation by the President shall be treated as a recommendation made under subsection (d) of this section. "(f)(1) In taking action to reduce unemployment in accord with the numerical goals and timetable established under section (b), every effort shall be made to reduce those differences between the rates of unemployment among youth, women minorities, handicapped persons, veterans, middle-aged and older persons and other labor force groups and the overall rate of unemployment which are caused by any improper factors with the ultimate objective of removing such differentials to the extent possible. "(2) Insofar as the differences specified in the preceding paragraph are due to lack of training and skills, occupational practices, and other relevant factors, the Secretary of Labor shall— "(A) take such action as practicable to achieve the objectives of this subsection; "(B) make studies, develop information, and make recommendations toward remedying these differences in rates of unemployment, and include these in the annual Employment and Training