Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/617

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-523—OCT. 27, 1978

92 STAT. 1897


"SEC. 7. (a) The President's Budget shall recommend levels of outlays and receipts which shall be consistent with the shoxt-term economic goals of section 3(a)(2)(A). "(b) The President's Budget shall provide jfive-year projections of outlays and receipts consistent with the medium-term goals of section 4(b). "(c) The principal elements in the President's Budget shall be set forth briefly in each Economic Report, toward the end of making clear the relationship between the President's Budget and the goals and policies set forth in such Economic Report. Both the expenditure and revenue elements of the President's Budget shall be developed to promote the purposes, policies, and goals of the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978. The size of the President's expenditure and revenue proposals, and the relationships between such proposals, shall be determined in a manner which gives consideration to the needs of the economy and the people in the priority areas set forth in section 6, and the relationship between the President's expenditure and revenue proposals shall be guided accordingly.".

15 USC 1022d. Ante, p. 1892. Ante, p. 1893.

Ante, p. 1887.


SEC. 108. (a) Section 2A of the Federal Reserve Act is amended by striking out the second and third sentences and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "In furtherance of the purposes of the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall transmit to the Congress, not later than February 20 and July 20 of each year, independent written reports setting forth (1) a review and analysis of recent developments affecting economic trends in the Nation; (2) the objectives and plans of the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee with respect to the ranges of growth or diminution of the monetary and credit aggregates for the calendar year during which the report is transmitted, taking account of past and prospective developments in employment, unemployment, production, investment, real income, productivity, international trade and payments, and prices; and (3) the relationship of the aforesaid objectives and plans to the short-term goals set forth in the most recent Economic Report of the President pursuant to section 3(a)(2)(A) of the Employment Act of 1946 and to any short-term goals approved by the Congress. In addition, as a part of its report on July 20 of each year, the Board of Governors shall include a statement of its objectives and plans with respect to the ranges of growth or diminution of the monetary and credit aggregates for the calendar year following the year in which the report is submitted. The reports required under the two preceding sentences shall be transmitted to the Congress and shall be referred in the Senate to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and in the House of Representatives to the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs. The Board shall consult with each such Committee on the reports and, thereafter, each such Committee shall submit to its respective body a report containing its views and recommendations with respect to the Federal Reserve's intended policies. Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted to require that the objectives and plans with respect to the ranges of growth or diminution of the monetary and credit aggregates disclosed in the reports submitted under this section be achieved if the Board

Annual reports to Congress. 12 USC 225a.

Transmittals to congressional committees, consultation and report.