Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/640

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1920

20 USC 2305. Post, p. 2011.

29 USC 49 et seq.

PUBLIC LAW 95-524—OCT. 27, 1978 "(8) provide (A) a description of arrangements for (i) the use of skills centers established under section 231 of the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962, and (ii) the use of other public vocational education facilities in such area; (B) a description of arrangements to coordinate services for which financial assistance is provided under programs administered by the Secretary relating to employment and training and related services; and (C) a description of arrangements to promote maximum feasible use of apprenticeship or other on-the-job training opportunities available under section 1787 of title 38, United States Code; "(9) provide for and include a description of arrangements made to ensure the participation of and consultation with local educational agencies, vocational education agencies, communitybased organizations. Federal and State agencies, organized labor, business, and other institutions and organizations in the conduct of programs under this Act; "(10) include a description of procedures for the consideration of any changes in the agreement required by this subsection or in the annual plan required under subsection (b), including review of such changes by the prime sponsor planning council; "(11) include a detailed description of recordkeeping procedures (including books of account) for the expenditure of funds received under this Act which will allow the Secretary to audit and monitor the prime sponsor's programs, and will assure adequate supervision and monitoring of such programs by the prime sponsor, particularly with respect to the eligibility of participants and the propriety of participant selection procedures and practices; " (12) include a detailed description of procedures for the monitoring and auditing of any subgrantees or subcontractors; "(13) include a description of the methods and arrangements which wnll be used to ensure the fullest possible utilization, consistent with the education and training needs identified in the plan, of public vocational education facilities and programs, and of other facilities of local education agencies in the provision of instruction in basic cognitive skills and in the development and implementation of programs assisted under this Act; "(14) provide evidence that in the development of such plan there has been a continuing process of consultation with interested groups in the area not directly represented on the prime sponsor's planning council, including local advisory councils established under section 105(a) of the Vocational Education Act of 1963 and the private industry council established under section 704 of this Act, representatives of local education agencies, and representatives of postsecondary educational agencies; "(15) include a description of the methods for coordination between the prime sponsor and the local State employment security agencies and delineate the specific responsibilities of each in the delivery of employment and training services for participants funded under this Act and under the Wagner-Peyser Act, with the goal of maximizing the level of coordination between the ^ prime sponsor and the local employment security agency and ^ minimizing duplication; r ^o. Mnrnfii?;,!.;