Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/674

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1954

PUBLIC LAW 9 5 - 5 2 4 — O C T. 27, 1978

" (c)(1) Not less than 85 percent of the funds available under t h i s F4'4 };>•;; section shall be used only for providing vocational education and • *' * services to participants in program s under this Act. " (2) The remainder of the funds available under this section may be ,^, used— • * \ '^ • *' * ^ " " (A) to coordinate programs under this Act with existing voca' tional education program s; " (B) to coordinate the utilization of funds under this Act and 20 USC 2301 the Vocational Education Act of 1963 to enhance economic g r o w t h °***®and development in the State; " (C) to develop linkages between vocational education, education, and t r a i n i n g programs under this Act and private sector employers; " (D) to provide technical assistance to vocational education i institutions and local education agencies to aid them in making cooperative arrangements with appropriate prime sponsors; " (E) to provide information, curriculum materials, and technical assistance in curriculum development and staff developments ^'•^" to prime sponsors. u. PARTICIPANT ASSESSMENT

29 USC 845.

" SEC. 205. (a) I n order to assess the appropriate mixture of t r a i n i n g or employment services, or both, needed by each individual receiving assistance under this title, the prime sponsor shall assist each such individual to establish a personalized employability plan. I n establishing such plan, prime sponsors shall take into consideration an individual's skills, interests, and career objectives, subject to the availability of services, and shall consider the barriers to employment or advancement faced by that individual in order to assist that individual to attain unsubsidized employment. " (b) A n assessment of appropriate t r a i n i n g and supportive services shall be made at the time of entrance to a program assisted in part or in whole by this title, which shall be reviewed periodically throughout the duration of the individual's participation in a program funded tmder this title. Such assessment shall be included in each individual's employability plan. " P A R T B — SERVICES FOR THE ECONOMICALLY



29 USC 846.

" SEC. 211. Comprehensive employment and t r a i n i n g services may include, but need not be limited to, the following: " (1) job search assistance, including orientation, counseling,

and referral to appropriate employment and training opportunities: \ " (2) outreach to make persons aware of the availability of, and I to encourage them to use, employment and t r a i n i n g services; " (3) supported work program s or activities; t " (4) education and institutional skill t r a i n i n g to p r e p a r e persons to enter the labor market, or to qualify for more productive job opportunities and increased e a r n i n g s; -TOiiS 3'SJ '/H " (5) on-the-job t r a i n i n g and t r a i n i n g leading to self-employment in small business; " (6) work experience program s providing employment opportunities for eligible individuals unable to attain employment with