Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/676

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1956

Post, p. 1982.

Post, p. 1985.

PUBLIC LAW 95-524—OCT. 27, 1978 cessfully apply for employment, financial barriers to labor force participation, and lack of appropriate job opportunities. "(b) The Secretary shall insure that each prime sponsor's plan for serving eligible youth under this part includes— "(1) provisions for coordinating activities under this part with activities under part A of title IV of this Act; "(2) assurances that, to the maximum extent feasible, the activities enumerated in section 432 of this Act, except for public service employment, will be utilized to serve youth under this part; and "(3) procedures for review of such plans by the youth council established under section 436(b) of this Act. u SERVICES FOR OLDER WORKERS

29 USC 850.

"SEC. 215. (a) Services for older workers under this part shall be designed to assist eligible participants in overcoming the particular barriers to employment experienced by older workers, including skills that are obsolete or no longer needed in the community, changing physical characteristics associated with aging, employer reluctance to hire older workers, financial barriers to labor force participation, and lack of appropriate job opportunities. "(b) The Secretary shall insure that each prime sponsor's plan for serving eligible older workers under this part includes provisions for utilizing activities including activities described in section 308 and coordinating services for older workers under this part with programs and services provided by senior centers, area agencies on aging, and State agencies on aging (as designated under the Older Americans Act of 1965).

42 USC 3001 "Ot®-


29 USC 851.

"SEC. 216. (a) Services for public assistance recipients under this part shall be designed to assist eligible participants in overcoming the particular barriers to employment experienced by such recipients, including lack of basic educational or vocational skills, insufficient preparation for the personal adaptations necessary for labor force participation, inability to find or successfully apply for employment, inability to obtain transportation to employment opportunities, medical problems, inability to obtain satisfactory child care, and lack of appropriate job opportunities. " (b) The Secretary shall insure that each prime sponsor's plan for serving eligible public assistance recipients under this part includes provisions for coordinating services assisted under this part with other programs assisted under this Act; and with services provided by State and local public assistance agencies.


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29 USC 852. tvra

"SEC. 221. (a) Pursuant to regulations of the Secretary, prime sponsors may provide financial assistance to public and private employers for the costs associated with occupational upgrading programs, including supportive services, through agreements with public and private employers for the employees of such employers. Individuals eligible for such programs shall be individuals operating at less than their