Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/820

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2100

PUBLIC LAW 95-557—OCT. 31, 1978 chargeable against the Department of Housing and Urban Development employees or others who are beneficiaries of services provided by any such day care center. In addition, limited start-up costs may be provided by the Secretary in an amount limited to 3 per centum of the first year's operating budget, but not to exceed $3,500.". SALE OF SURPLUS FEDERAL l A N D FOR HOUSING

40 USC 484b. Federal surplus real property, transfer to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. 40 USC 471 note.

42 USC 5301 note.

SEC. 317. (a) The first and second sentences of section 414(a) of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1969 are amended to read as follows: "Notwithstanding the provisions of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, any Federal surplus real property within the meaning of such Act may, in the discretion of the Administrator of General Services, be transferred to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development at the Secretary's request for sale or lease by the Secretary at its fair value for use in the provision of housing to be occupied predominantly by families or individuals of low and moderate income, assisted under a Federal housing assistance program administered by the Secretary or under a State or local program found by the Secretary to have the same general purpose, and for related public commercial or industrial facilities approved by the Secretary. Prior to any disi^osition of Federal surplus real property to an entity other than a public body, the Secretary shall notify the governing body of the locality where such property is located of the proposed disposition and no such disposition shall be made if the local governing body, within ninety days of such notification, formally advises the Secretary that it objects to the proposed disposition, unless the Secretary determines (1) that the proposed disposition would be consistent with any approved housing assistance and community development plans developed by such body pursuant to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, or (2) in cases where such plans are not available, that there is a need for low- and moderateincome housing taking into consideration any applicable State housing plans, and that there is or will be available in the area public facilities and services adequate to serve any housing proposed in conjunction with the proposed disposition.". (b) Subsection (b) of section 414 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "(b) As a condition of any disposition by the Secretary of Federal surplus real property under this section to an entity other than a public body, the Secretary shall obtain such undertakings as the Secretary may consider appropriate to assure that the property will be used, to the maximum practicable extent, in the provision of housing and related facilities to be occupied by families or individuals of low and moderate income for a period of not less than thirty years. If during such period the property is used for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was disposed of, it shall revert to the United States (or, in the case of leased property, the lease shall terminate) unless the Secretary and the Administrator, after the expiration of the first twenty years of such period, have approved the use of the property for such other purposes.". INCREASE I N GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION MORTGAGE PURCHASE AUTHORITY AND LIMITS

12 USC 1717.

SEC. 318. (a) The third clause of the proviso in section 302(b)(1) of the National Housing Act is amended by striking "if the original principal obligation thereof exceeds or exceeded $33,000 (or such