Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/828

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2108


PUBLIC LAW 95-557—OCT. 31, 1978 days of such change. Such notification shall list the names and professional qualifications of new members of the committee. (d) Procedures shall be established to insure that changes in the membership of the professional assessment committee are consistent with the requirements of section 403(7) of this title. APPLICATION PROCEDURES

42 USC 8006.

Submission deadlines and notification.


SEC. 407. (a) An application for assistance under this title shall include— (1) a plan specifying the types and priorities of the basic services the public housing agency or nonprofit corporation proposes to provide during the term of the contract; such plan must be related to the needs and characteristics of the eligible project residents and, to the maximum extent practicable, provide for the changing needs and characteristics of all project residents; such plan shall be determined after consultation with eligible project residents and with the professional assessment committee; (2) a list of names and professional qualifications of the members of the professional assessment committee; (3) the fee schedule established pursuant to section 405(h) of this title; (4) any comment received in connection with any review of a proposed application pursuant to section 405(d) or 405(e)(2); and (5) a statement affirming (A) that the nonprofit corporation or public housing agency has followed the consultation procedures required in subsections (c), (d), and (e) of section 405, and (B) that such application complies with subsection (b) of such section. (b) The Secretary shall establish appropriate deadlines for each fiscal year for the submission of applications for funding under this title and shall notify any public housing agency and nonprofit corporation applying for assistance under this title of acceptance or rejection of its application within ninety days of such submission. (c) Within twelve months prior to the submission of an application for renewed funding under this title, each nonprofit corporation and public housing agency shall review the performance, appropriateness, and fee schedules of their congregate services program with eligible project residents and with the professional assessment committee. The results of such review shall be included in any application for renewal and shall be considered in the development of the application for renewal by the nonprofit corporation or public housing agency and in its evaluation by the Secretary. EVALUATION OF APPLICATION AND PROtiRAMS

42 USC 8007.

SEC. 408. (a) In evaluating applications for assistance under this title, the Secretary shall consider— (1) the types and priorities of the basic services proposed to be provided, and the relationship of such proposal to the needs and characteristics of the eligible residents of the projects where the services are to be provided; (2) how quickly services will be established following approval of the application; (3) the degree to which local social services are adequate for the purpose of assisting eligible project residents to maintain independent living and avoid unnecessary institutionalization;