Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/846

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2126

PUBLIC LAW 95-557—OCT. 31, 1978 the basis of need to the regional native housing authorities duly constituted under the laws of the State of Alaska for the purpose of providing planning assistance, housing rehabilitation, and maintaining an adequate administrative structure in conjunction with the provision of housing and related facilities for Alaska residents.". (b) Subsection (b) of such section is amended by inserting before the period at the end thereof the following: ", except that the Secretary may make a grant in excess of such limitation in any case, af ccr consultation with State officials".



42 USC 3541.

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SEC. 905. (a) The Congress finds and declares— (1) that various departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Federal Government with responsibilities involving housing and housing finance programs, require, approve, use or otherwise employ a variety of different forms as residential mortgages (or deeds of trust or similar security instruments) as notes secured by those mortgages, and for applications, appraisals and other purposes, and that such duplication of forms constitutes a paperwork burden that adds to the costs imposed on the Nation's homeowners and home buyers: (2) that unnecessary paperwork impairs the effectiveness of Federal housing and housing finance programs; (3) that both single-family and multi-family programs are affected; and (4) that simplification of paperwork imposed by Federal housing and housing finance programs would contribute to achieving the Nation's housing goals by reducing housing costs. (b)(1) Insofar as it is practicable and to the extent permitted by law and to the extent that such action would result in a reduction in paperwork and regulatory burden, the Department of Housing and [Trban Development and the Veterans' Administration shall employ in their respective programs— (A) uniform single-family and multi-family note and mortgage ^ forms; (B) a uniform application form for mortgage approval and commitment for mortgage insurance; ^•• (C) a uniform form for computation of the monthly net effective income of applicants; (D) a uniform property appraisal form; (E) a imiform settlement statement which shall satisfy the requirements of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act; and (F) such other consolidated or simplified forms, the consolidation or simplification of which the Secretary of Housing and ••', Urban Development and the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs mutually agree would contribute to a reduction in the paperwork and legulatory burden of housing and housing finance programs administered t3y the agencies. (2) Each agency may employ riders, addenda, or similar forms of modification agreements to adapt such uniform forms to its respective ]irograms and policies, consistent with the goals of minimizing the use and extent of such modification a^-eements and maximizing the suitability of such forms for the use of all participants, public and private. (3) To the extent permitted by law. the President may require the Farmers Home Administration and the Administrator of"the Farmers Home Administration to comply with the requirements of this section