Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/876

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2156

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978 this subpart only if it meets the following requirements with respect to the number of children counted under subsection (c): "(1) In any case (except as provided in paragraph (3)) in which the Commissioner determines that satisfactory data tor the purpose of this subsection as to the number of such children are available on a school district basis, the number of such children in the school district of such local educational agency shall be at least ten. "(2) In any other case, except as provided in paragraph (3), the number of such children in the county which includes such local educational agency's school district shall be at least ten. "(3) In any case in which a county includes a part of the school district of the local educational agency concerned and the Commissioner has not determined that satisfactory data for the purpose of this subsection are available on a school district basis for all the local educational agencies or all the counties into which the school district of the local educational agency concerned extends, the eligibility requirement with respect to the number of such children for such local educational agency shall be determined in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Commissioner for the purposes of this sulDsection. "(c) CHILDREN To B E COUNTED.— (1)(A) The number of children to be counted for purposes of this section, other than for subsection (a)(3)(D), is the aggregate of— " (i) the number of children aged five to seventeen, inclusive, in the school district of the local educational agency from families below the poverty level as determined under paragraph (2)(A), " (ii) the number of children aged five to seventeen, inclusive, in the school district of such agency from families above the poverty level as determined under paragraph (2)(B), subject to subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, and "(iii) the number of children aged five to seventeen, inclusive, in the school district of such agency living in institutions for neglected or delinquent children (other than such institutions operated by the United States) but not counted pursuant to subpart 3 of part B for the purposes of a grant to a State agency, or being supported in foster homes with public funds. "(B) For the purpose of division (ii) of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph the number of children aged five through seventeen, inclusive, in the school district of such agency from families above the poverty level as determined under paragraph (2)(B) shall be reduced by one-third for fiscal year 1979; except that such reduction shall not be applicable with respect to determinations made under section 117(b) of the number of children to be counted under this subsection. "(2)(A) For the purposes of this section, the Commissioner shall determine the number of children aged five to seventeen, inclusive, from families below the poverty level on the basis of the most recent satisfactory data available from the Department of Commerce for local educational agencies (or, if such data are not available for such agencies, for counties); and in determining the families which are below the poverty level, the Commissioner shall utilize the criteria of poverty used by the Bureau of the Census in compiling the 1970 decennial census. "(B) For purposes of this section, the Secretary shall determine the number of children aged five to seventeen, inclusive, from families above the poverty level on the basis of the number of such children from families receiving an annual income, in excess of the current cri-