Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/899

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978

92 STAT. 2179

" (3) that such programs and projects will be administered and carried out in a manner consistent with the basic objectives of subpart 3 of part A, other than sections 122, 123, 1 2 6 (d), and 130 thereof; _ " (4) that, i n planning and carrying out programs and projects at both the State and local educational agency level, there has been and will be appropriate consultation with parent advisory councils established in accordance with regulations of the Commissioner (consistent with the requirements of section 1 2 5 (a)); and " (5) that, in planning and carrying out programs and projects, there has been adequate assurance that provision will be made for the preschool education needs of migratory children of migratoiy agricultural workers or of migratory fishermen, whenever such agency determines that compliance with this paragraph will not detract from the operation of programs and projects described in paragraph (1) of this subsection after considering funds available for this purpose.

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" (b) CONTINUATION o r MIGRANT S T A T U S. — For purposes of this sub-

part, with the concurrence of his parents, a migratory child of a migratory agricultural worker or of a migratory fisherman shall be deemed to continue to be such a child for a period, not in excess of five years, during which he resides in the area served by the agency carrying on a program or project under this section. Such children who are presently migrant, as determined pursuant to regulations of the Commissioner, shall be given priority in this consideration of programs and activities contained in applications submitted under this subsection.

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" (c) B T - P A S S PROVISION.—If the Commissioner determines that a

State is unable or unwilling to conduct educational programs for migratory children of migratory agricultural workers o r of migratory fishermen, or that it would result in more efficient and economic administration, or that it would add substantially to the welfare or educational attainment of such children, he may make special arrangements with other public or nonprofit private agencies to carry out the purposes of this section in one or more States, and for this purpose he may use all or part of the total of grants available for any such State under this section. "COORDINATION OF MIGRANT EDUCATION ACTIVITIES "SEC.







authorized to make g r a n t s to, or enter into contracts with. State 20 USC 2763. educational agencies to operate a system for the transfer among State and local educational agencies of migrant student records and to carry out other activities, in consultation with the States, to improve the interstate and intrastate coordination among State and local educational agencies of the educational programs available for migratory students. " (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There a r e authorized to

be appropriated for this section not more than 5 p e r centum of the total amount paid for the preceding fiscal year to State educational agencies under section 141.

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