Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/904

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2184

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978

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«(c) OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING.—A State educational agency shall not finally disapprove in whole or in part any application for funds under part A or under subpart 2 or subpart 3 of part B without first affording the local educational agency or other applicant submitting the application reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing. u STATE


20 USC 2812.

"SEC. 165. Nothing in this title shall be deemed to prohibit a State educational agency from adopting rules, regulations, procedures, , ^. guidelines, criteria, or other requirements applicable to programs and ^ projects assisted under this title if they do not conflict with the provisions of this title, with regulations promulgated by the Commissioner implementing this title, or with other applicable Federal law. The /i-.»K •"'. '•-: Commissioner shall encourage a State educational agency, in adopting such rules, regulations, procedures, guidelines, criteria, or other requirements to recognize the special and unique needs and circumstances of the State and of each local educational agency in the State. " T E C H N I C A L A S S I S T A N C E A N D DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION

20 USC 2813.

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"SEC. 166. Each State educational agency shall carry on a comprehensive program to provide technical assistance to local educational agencies and State agencies with respect to the use of funds received under this title. Such a program shall include technical assistance for management procedures, for planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of programs, and for preparation of applications, as well as other forms of technical assistance needed by local educational agencies and State agencies. Each State educational agency shall also adopt effective procedures for disseminating to local educational agencies and State agencies (1) significant and relevant information derived from educational research, (2) information about successful compensatory education projects, (3) information about other Federal and State funded programs which may provide needed health, social, and nutrition services to eligible participating children under this title, and (4) such other information as will assist local educational agencies and State agencies in planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating programs assisted under this title. "MONITORING

20 USC 2814. I i

"SEC. 167. Each State educational agency shall adopt standards, consistent with minimum standards established by the Commissioner and with the State monitoring and enforcement plan submitted under section 171, for monitoring the effectiveness of programs and projects assisted under this title. Such standards shall (1) describe the purpose and scope of monitoring; (2) specify the frequency of onsite visits; (3) describe the procedures for issuing and responding to monitoring reports, including but not limited to, the period of time in which the State educational agency must issue its report, the period of time in which the applicant agency must respond, and the appropriate followup by the State educational agency; (4) specify the methods for making monitoring reports available to parents. State and local auditors, and other persons, and (5) specify the methods for insuring that non-compliant practices are corrected.