Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/914

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2194

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978

"(2) a description for each such State of the manner in which monitoring reports of the Commissioner were taken into consideration in the approval of such applications, "(3) a description, with respect to appropriate States, of the manner in which unresolved audit and program monitoring findings were taken into consideration in me approval of such applications, " (4) a description for each such State of the manner in which the annual evaluation report of that State was taken into con.if:^i J'-.),i*{ sideration in the approval of such applications, "(5) a summary of the findings of the Commissioner's on-site monitoring visits, of the actions taken by State educational agencies to correct problems identified in each report based on such visits, and of the number, type, and location of problems which have been so identified but which have not been corrected as of the date of the submission of the annual enforcement report under this section, "(6) with respect to audits conducted under this title, (A) the number and type of audits conducted in the year preceding the date of submission of the report, (B) the identity of each State or local educational agency audited during that year, (C) the resolution status of each outstanding audit, including the dates on which each step of the resolution process with respect to such outstanding audit was completed, the schedule for completion of such process, the amount of the financial exceptions noted in final audit reports and in letters of final determination, and an explanation oi any differences in such amounts as noted in draft audit reports, final audit reports, and letters of final determination, (D) the number and identity of any States which did not appeal to the audit hearing board for this title with respect to audits conducted during that year and the status of recoupment activities for each such State, (E) the number and identity of States which appealed to such board during that year and the status of each active appeal, (F) the number and identity of States which have completed such appeals during that year and the status of recoupment activities with respect thereto, (G) the number and type of any cases referred to the Attorney General during that year for collection of misspent funds, (H) the amount of any funds recovered during that year as a result of such audit resolution process, (I) an analysis of the type of violations identified in final audit reports, letters of final determination, and final decisions of the audit hearing board for this title and of the Commissioner on appeal from the decisions of such board, (J) a summary of audit followup actions conducted during that year for the purpose of determining that deficiencies which led to financial audit exceptions or audit findings of procedural noncompliance have been corrected, (K) a description of audits planned for the year succeeding the date of the submission of the report, and (L) recommendations for improvement of the audit resolution process, and "(T) with respect to complaints made to the Commissioner concerning programs under this title during the year preceding jiv.. the date of submission of the report under this section, the number and type of complaints, the identity of the State and local educational agencies, the action taken by the Commissioner to resolve the complaints, and the number and type of complaints which remain unresolved as of the date of such submission.