Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/95

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978



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PUBLIC LAW 95-473—OCT. 17, 1978

92 STAT. 1375

mission under subchapter II or III of chapter 105 of this title, or a rule or practice related to the rate or the value of the service under it, violates this chapter or the transportation policy of section 10101 of this title, the Commission may prescribe the minimum rate, rule, or practice for the carrier that is desirable in the public interest and will promote that policy. In prescribing the rate, the Commission may not give a motor or water contract carrier an advantage or preference in competition with a motor or water common carrier, respectively, if an advantage or preference is unreasonable or inconsistent with the public interest and the transportation policy of section 10101 of this title. (2) When prescribing a minimum rate, or rule or practice related to a rate, for a contract carrier, the Commission shall consider— (A) the cost of the transportation provided by the carrier; and (B) the effect of a prescribed minimum rate, or rule or practice, on the movement of traffic by that carrier. (d) In a proceeding involving competition between carriers of different modes of transportation subject to this subtitle, except rail carriers, the Commission, in determining whether a r-ate is less than a reasonable minimum rate, shall consider the facts and circumstances involved in moving the traffic by the mode of carrier to which the rate is applicable. Subject to the transportation policy of section 10101 of this title, rates of a carrier may not be maintained at a particular level to protect the traffic of another mode of transportation. (e) In a proceeding involving a proposed increase or decrease in rail carrier rates, the Commission shall specifically consider allegations that the increase or decrease would (1) change the rate relationships between commodities, ports, places, regions, areas, or other particular descriptions of traffic (without regard to previous Commission consideration or approval of those relationships), and (2) have a significant adverse effect on the competitive position of shippers or consignees served by the rail carrier proposing the increase or decrease. The Commission shall investigate to determine whether the change or effect violates this subtitle when it finds that those allegations are substantially supported on the record. The investigation may be made either before or after the proposed increase or decrease becomes effective and either in that proceeding or in another proceeding. (f) The Commission may begin a proceeding under this section on its own initiative or on complaint. A complaint under subsection (a) of this section must be made under section 11701 of this title, but the proceeding may also be in extension of a complaint pending before the Commission. A complaint under subsection (c) of this section must contain a full statement of the facts and the reasons for the complaint and must be made under oath. §10705. Authority: through routes, joint classifications, rates, and divisions prescribed by Interstate Commerce Commission (a)(1) The Interstate Commerce Commission may, and shall when it considers it desirable in the public interest, prescribe through routes, joint classifications, joint rates (including maximum or minimum rates or both), the division of joint rates, and the conditions under which those routes must be operated, for a common carrier providing transportation subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission under subchapter I, II (except a motor common carrier of property).

Ante, p. 1337.



Post, p. 1449.

49 USC 10705.