Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/954

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2234

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978 /• • '^


sional competence in guidance and counseling, and "(v) parents, students, and other interested members of the public; "(B) advise the State educational agency on the preparation of, and policy matters arising in the administration of, the State plan, including the development of criteria for the distribution of funds and the approval of applications for assistance under this title; "(C) evaluate all programs and projects assisted under this title; and "(D) prepare at least every three years and submit through the State educational agency a report of its activities, recommendations, and evaluations, together with such additional comments as the State educational agency deems appropriate, to the Commissioner. "(2) Not less than ninety days before the beginning of any fiscal year for which funds will be available for carrying out this title, each State shall certify the establishment of, and membership of (including the name of the person designated as Chairman), its State advisory council to the Commissioner. "(3) Each State advisory council shall meet within thirty days after certification has been accepted by the Commissioner and establish the time, place, and manner, of its future meetings, except that such council shall have not less than one public meeting each year at which the public is given an opportunity to express views concerning the administration and operation of this title. "(4) Each State advisory council shall be authorized to obtain the services of such professional, technical, and clerical personnel, and to contract for such other services as may be necessary to enable them to carry out their functions under this title, and the Commissioner shall assure that funds sufficient for these purposes are made available to each council from funds available for administration of the State plan. "(c) The Commissioner shall approve any State plan and any modification thereof which complies with the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section. "PAYMENTS TO STATES

20 USC 3085.

"SEC. 405. From the amounts allotted to each State under section 403 for carrying out the programs authorized by part B, part C, and part D, respectively, the Commissioner shall pay to that State an amount equal to the amount expended by the State in carrying out its State plan (after withholding any amount necessary pursuant to section 406(g)). "PARTICIPATION or CHIIDEEN ENROIXED IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS

20 USC 3086.

"SEC. 406. (a)(1) To the extent consistent with the number of children in the school district of a local educational agency which is eligible to receive funds under this title or which serves the area in which a program or project assisted under this title is located who are enrolled in private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools, such agency, after consultation with the appropriate private school officials, shall