Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/980

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2260


PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978 to assist them in establishing and maintaining integrated schools as defined in section 617(3). "(2) A program of grants to groups of local educational agencies located in a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area for the joint development of a plan to reduce and eliminate minority group isolation, to the maximum extent possible, in the public elementary and secondary schools in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, which shall, as a minimum, provide that by a date certain, but in no event later than July 1, 1983, the percentage of minority group children enrolled in each school in the Standard Metropolian Statistical Area shall be at least 50 per centum of the percentage of minority group children enrolled in all the schools in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. No grant may be made under this paragraph unless— "(A) two-thirds or more of the local educational agencies in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area have approved the application, and "(B) the number of students in the schools of the local educational agencies which have approved the application constitutes two-thirds or more of the number of students in the schools of all the local educational agencies in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. "(b) In making grants and contracts under this section, the Assistant Secretary shall insure that at least one grant shall be for the purposes of paragraph (2) of subsection (a). "APPLICATIONS

20 USC 3200,

Information, availability to public.


"SEC. 610. (a) Any local educational agency desiring to receive assistance under this title shall submit to the Assistant Secretary, at such time, in such form, and containing only such information as the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary deem necessary to carry out their functions under this title, an application describing the activities to be carried out under the application during the period, not to exceed five academic years, for which assistance is being sought. That application, together with all correspondence and other written materials relating thereto, shall be made readily avwlable to the public by the applicant and by the Assistant Secretary. The Assistant Secretary may approve an application only upon a determination that such application— "(1) has been developed— "(A) in open consultation with parents, teachers and, where applicable, secondary school students, including at least one public hearing at which such persons have had a full opportunity to understand the program for which assistance is being sought and to offer recommendations thereupon, and "(B) with the participation of a committee composed of parents of children enrolled in the applicant's schools, teachers and, where applicable, secondary school students, of which at least half the members shall be such parents and at least half shall be persons from minority groups; "(2) sets forth such policies and procedures as will insure that the program for which assistance is sought will be operated in consultation with, and with the involvement of, parents of the children and representatives of the area to be served, including the committee established for the purposes of clause (1)(B);