Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/262

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2894 n oo«r Post, p. 2895. Infra. /'o5<, p. 2895.

PUBLIC LAW 95-600—NOV. 6, 1978 taxable years and all succeeding taxable years, the provisions of section 1396 shall apply to such GSOC, and "(2) with respect to each such taxable year, the provisions of sections 1393, 1394, and 1395 shall apply to the shareholders of such GSOC. "(c) WHERE AND HOW MADE.—An election under subsection (a) may

be made by a GSOC at such time and in such manner as the Secretary shall prescribe by regulations. "(d) YEARS FOR WHICH EFFECTIVE.—An election under subsection

(a) shall be effective for the taxable year of the GSOC for which it is made and for all succeeding taxable years of the GSOC, unless it is terminated under subsection (f). "(e) TAXABLE YEAR.—The taxable year of a GSOC shall end on October 31 unless the Secretary consents to a different taxable year.". "(f) TERMINATION.—The election of a GSOC under subsection (a) shall terminate for any taxable year during which it ceases to be a GSOC and for all succeeding taxable years. The election of a GSOC under subsection (a) may be terminated at any other time with the consent of the Secretary, effective for the first tgixable year with respect to which the Secretary consents and for all succeeding taxable years. 26 USC 1393.


26 USC 248.

26 USC 47.


"(a) GENERAL RULE.—The taxable income of an electing GSOC for any tsixable year shall be included in the gross income of the shareholders of such GSOC in the manner and to the extent set forth in this subsection. "(1) AMOUNT INCLUDED IN GROSS INCOME.—Each shareholder of an electing GSOC on any day of a taxable year of such GSOC shall include in his gross income for the taxable year with or within which the taxable year of the GSOC ends the amount he would have received if, on each day of such taxable year, there had been distributed pro rata to its shareholders by such GSOC an amount equal to the taxable income of the GSOC for its taxable year divided by the number of days in the GSOC's taxable year. "(2) TAXABLE INCOME DEFINED.—For purposes of this section, the term 'taxable income' of a GSOC shall be determined without regard to the deductions allowed by part VIII of subchapter B (other than deductions allowed by section 248, relating to organizational expenditures). "(b) SPECIAL RULE FOR INVESTMENT CREDIT.—The investment credit of an electing GSOC for any taxable year shall be allowed as a credit to the shareholders of such corporation in the manner and to the extent set forth in this subsection. "(1) CREDIT.—There shall be apportioned among the shareholders a credit equal to the amount each shareholder would have received if, on each day of such taxable year, there had been distributed pro rata to the shareholders the electing GSOC's net investment credit divided by the number of days in the GSOC's taxable year. "(2) NET INVESTMENT CREDIT.—For purposes of this paragraph the term 'net investment credit' means the investment credit of the electing GSOC for its taxable year less any tax from recomputing a prior year's investment credit in accordance with section 47. "(3) RECAPTURE.—There shall be apportioned among the shareholders of a GSOC, in the manner described in paragraph (1), an