Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/394

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3026

Residual radioactive material, removal.


Rules and regulations.

PUBLIC LAW 95-604—NOV. 8, 1978 ing site, including where appropriate any interest therein. In determining whether to require the State to acquire a designated processing site or interest therein, consideration shall be given to the prevention of windfall profits. (b)(1) If the Secretary with the concurrence of the Commission determines that removal of residual radioactive material from a processing site is appropriate, the cooperative agreement shall provide that the State shall acquire land (including, where appropriate, any interest therein) to be used as a site for the permanent disposition and stabilization of such residual radioactive materials in a safe and environmentally sound manner. (2) Acquisition by the State shall not be required under this subsection if a site located on land controlled by the Secretary or made available by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to section 106 (a)(2) is designated by the Secretary, with the concurrence of the Commission, for such disposition and stabilization. (c) No State shall be required under subsection (a) or (b) to acquire any real property or improvement outside the boundaries of— (1) that portion of the processing site which is described in section 101(6)(A), and (2) the site used for disposition of the residual radioactive materials. (d) In the case of each processing site designated under this title other than a site designated on Indian land, the State shall take such action as may be necessary, and pursuant to regulations of the Secretary under this subsection, to assure that any person who purchases such a processing site after the removal of radioactive materials from such site shall be notified in an appropriate manner prior to such purchase, of the nature and extent of residual radioactive materials removed from the site, including notice of the date when such action took place, and the condition of such site after such action. If the State is the owner of such site, the State shall so notify any prospective purchaser before entering into a contract, option, or other arrangement to sell or otherwise dispose of such site. The Secretary shall issue appropriate rules and regulations to require notice in the local land records of the residual radioactive materials which were located at any processing site and notice of the nature and extent of residual radioactive materials removed from the site, including notice of the date when such action took place. (e)(1) The terms and conditions of any cooperative agreement with a State under section 103 shall provide that in the case of any lands or interests therein acquired by the State pursuant to subsection (a), the State, with the concurrence of the Secretary and the Commission, may— (A) sell such lands and interests, (B) permanently retain such land and interests in lands (or donate such lands and interests therein to another governmental entity within such State) for permanent use by such State or entity solely for park, recreational, or other public purposes, or (C) transfer such lands and interests to the United States as provided in subsection (f). No lands may be sold under subparagraph (A) without the consent of the Secretary and the Commission. No site may be sold under subparagraph (A) or retained under subparagraph (B) if such site is used for the disposition of residual radioactive materials.