Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/844

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3476


Publication in SEC. 302, Within twelve months after the date of the enactment of Federal Register, ^jjjg ^Q^^ ^he Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register a detailed map or other detailed description of the lands added or excluded from any area pursuant to section 301. ACQUISITION AND DISPOSAL OF LANDS

Studies and recommendations system, establishment.

SEC. 303. (a) Within the boundaries of the areas as revised in accordance with section 301, the Secretary is authorized to acquire lands and interests therein by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds, exchange, or transfer from any other Federal agency. Lands and interests therein so acquired shall become part of the area to which they are added, and shall be subjected to all laws, rules, and regulations applicable thereto. When acquiring any land pursuant to this title, the Secretary may acquire any such land subject to the retention of a right of use and occupancy for a term not to exceed twenty-five years or for the life of the owner or owners. Lands owned by a State or political subdivision thereof may be acquired only by donation. (b)(1) Lands and interests therein deleted from any area pursuant to section 301 may be exchanged for non-Federal lands within the revised boundaries of such area, or transferred to the jurisdiction of any other Federal agency or to a State or political subdivision thereof, without monetary consideration, or be administered as public lands by the Secretary, as the Secretary may deem appropriate. (2) In exercising the authority contained in this section with respect to lands and interests therein deleted from any such area which were acquired from a State, the Secretary may, on behalf of the United States, transfer to such State exclusive or concurrent legislative jurisdiction over such lands, subject to such terms and conditions as he may deem appropriate, to be effective upon acceptance thereof hj the State. (c) It is the established policy of Congress that wilderness, wildlife conservation, and park and recreation values of real property owned by the United States be conserved, enhanced, and developed. It is further declared to be the policy of Congress that unutilized, underutilized, or excess Federal real property be timely studied as to suitability for wilderness, wildlife conservation, or park and recreation purposes. To implement this policy, the Secretary, the Administrator of General Services, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall establish a system with appropriate procedures to permit the Secretary full and early opportunity to make such studies and propose appropriate recommendations to disposing agencies for consideration in connection with determinations of further utilization or disposal of such property under existing law. Each affected executive agency is authorized and directed to provide to the Secretary such advice and information relating to such studies as the Secretary may request. OTHER AUTHORITIBS

SEC. 304. The authorities in this title are supplementary to any other authorities available to the Secretary with respect to the acquisition, development, and administration of the areas referred to in section 301.