Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/925

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-626—NOV. 10, 1978 Any such grant may include the acquisition and modernization of existing buildings and providing training related to management of the provision of health services on a prepaid basis.". (B) Paragraph (2) of such subsection is amended by striking out "paragraph (1)" and inserting in lieu thereof "paragraph (1)(A) or (1)(B)". (C) Paragraph (3) of such subsection is amended by inserting "or (1)(C) " after " (1)(B) ". (2) Paragraph (4) of such subsection is amended to read as follows: "(4)(A) The amount of any grant made in any fiscal year under paragraph (1) (other than subparagraph (C)) to a community health center shall be determined by the Secretary, but may not exceed the amount by which the costs of operation of the center in such fiscal year exceed the total of— " (i) the State, local, and other funds, and "(ii) the fees, premiums, and third-party reimbursements, which the center may reasonably be expected to receive for its operations in such fiscal year. In determining the amount of such a grant for a center, if the application for the grant requests funds for a service described in subsection (a)(4) (other than to the extent the funds would be used for the improvement of private property) or a supplemental health service described in subparagraph (B), (F), (L), o r (M) of subsection (b)(2), the Secretary shall include, in an amount determined by the Secretary and to the extent funds are available under appropriation Acts, funds for such service unless the Secretary makes a written finding that such service is not needed and provides the applicant with a copy of such finding. "(B) Payments under grants under subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) shall be made in advance or by way of reimbursement and in such installments as the Secretary finds necessary and adjustments may be made for overpayments or underpayments, except that if in any fiscal year the sum of— "(i) the total of the amounts described in clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A) received by a center in such fiscal year, and "(ii) the amount of the grant to the center in such fiscal year, exceeded the costs of the center's operation in such fiscal year because the amount received by the center from fees, premiums, and thirdparty reimbursements was greater than expected, an adjustment in the amount of the grant to the center in the succeeding fiscal year shall be made in such a manner that the center may retain such an amount (equal to not less than one-half of the amount by which such sum exceeded such costs) as the center can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Secretary will be used to enable the center (I) to expand and improve its services, (II) to increase the number of persons (eligible to receive services from such a center) it is able to serve, ( III) to construct and modernize its facilities, (IV) to improve the administration of its service programs, and (V) to establish the financial reserve required for the furnishing of services on a prepaid basis. Without the approval of the Secretary, not more than one-half of such retained sum may be used for construction and modernization of its facilities.". (d)(1) Paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of such section is amended— (A) by striking out "and" at the end of subparagraph (I), (B) by striking out the period at the end of subparagraph (J) and inserting in lieu thereof "; and", and (C) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

92 STAT. 3557

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