Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1158

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 1126


PUBLIC LAW 96-153—DEC. 21, 1979 "(i) the lot is free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, and adverse claims; "(ii) the purchaser or lessee (or spouse thereof) has made a personal on-the-lot inspection of the lot to be purchased or leased; "(iii) each purchase or lease agreement contains— "(I) a clear and specific statement describing a good faith estimate of the year of completion of, and the party responsible for, providing and maintaining the roads, water facilities, sewer facilities and any existing or promised amenities; and "(ID a nonwaivable provision specifying that the contract or agreement may be revoked at the option of the purchaser or lessee until midnight of the seventh day following the signing of such contract or agreement or until such later time as may be required pursuant to applicable State laws; and "(iv) the purchaser or lessee has, prior to the time the contract or lease is entered into, acknowledged in writing the receipt of a written statement by the developer containing good faith estimates of the cost of providing electric, water, sewer, gas, and telephone service to such lot. "(B) As used in subparagraph (A)(i) of this paragraph, the terms 'liens', 'encumbrances', and 'adverse claims' do not include United States land patents and similar Federal grants or reservations, property reservations which land developers commonly convey or dedicate to local bodies or public utilities for the purpose of bringing public services to the land being developed, taxes and assessments imposed by a State, by any other public body having authority to assess and tax property, or by a property owners' association, which, under applicable State or local law, constitute liens on the property before they are due and payable or beneficial property restrictions which would be enforceable by other lot owners or lessees in the subdivision, if— "(i) the developer, prior to the time the contract of sale or lease is entered into, has furnished each purchaser or lessee with a statement setting forth in descriptive and concise terms all such liens, reservations, taxes, assessments and restrictions which are applicable to the lot to be purchased or leased; and "(ii) receipt of such statement has been acknowledged in writing by the purchaser or lessee. "(C) For the purpose of this paragraph, a sales operation is 'intrastate in nature' if the developer is subject to the laws of the State in which the land is located, and each lot in the subdivision, other than those which are exempt under section 1403(a), (b)(6), or (b)(8), is sold or leased to residents of the State in which the land is located; or "(8) the sale or lease of a lot in a subdivision containing fewer than three hundred lots if— "(A) the principal residence of the purchaser or lessee is within the same standard metropolitan statistical area, as defined by the Office of Management and Budget, as the lot purchased or leased; "(B) the lot is free and clear of liens (such as mortgages, deeds of trust, tax liens, mechanics liens, or judgments) at the time of the signing of the contract or agreement and until a deed is delivered to the purchaser or the lease