Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1213

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PUBLIC LAW 96-157—DEC. 27, 1979

93 STAT. 1181

the program or project specified in the application for such grant unless the Administrator determines that State or local budgetary restraints prevent the recipient from providing the remaining portion. "(2)(A) The non-Federal portion of the cost of such program or project shall be in cash. "(B) In the case of a grant to an Indian tribe or other aboriginal group, the Administration may increase the Federal portion of the cost of such program to the extent the Administration deems necessary, if the Administration determines that the tribe or group does not have sufficient funds available to meet the non-Federal portion of such cost. "(3) Except with respect to allocations under subsection (c), a grant recipient shall assume the cost of a program or project funded under this part after a reasonable period of Federal assistance unless the Administrator determines that the recipient is unable to assume such cost because of State or local budgetary restraints. "(c)(1) The Administration shall allocate from the grant provided for in subsection (a) $200,000 to each of the States for the purposes of administering grants received under this title for operating criminal justice councils, judicial coordinating committees, and local offices pursuant to part D, and an additional amount of at least $50,000 shall be made available by the Administration for allocation by the State to the judicial coordinating committee. These foregoing sums shall be available without a requirement for match. The Administration shall allocate additional funds from the grant to a State for use by the State and its units of local government in an amount that is 7% per centum of the total grant of such State. Any of the additional funds shall be matched in an amount equal to any such expended or obligated amount. An amount equal to at least IVz per centum of the allocation of an eligible jurisdiction as defined in section 402(a)(2), (3), or (4), or of a judicial coordinating committee, must be made available by the State to each such jurisdiction or judicial coordinating committee from these additional funds for purposes set out above. The eligible jurisdiction or combination thereof shall match the amounts passed through in an amount equal to any such amount expended or obligated by the eligible jurisdiction or combination thereof for the purposes set forth above for all Federal funds in excess of $25,000 for each eligible jurisdiction. "(2) Any funds allocated to States or units of local government and unexpended by such States or units of local government for the purposes set forth above shall be available to such States or units of local government for expenditure in accordemce with subsection (a). "(3) The State may allocate at its discretion to units of local government or combinations of such units which are not eligible jurisdictions as defined in section 402(a)(2), (3), and (4) funds provided under this subsection.

Federal and non-Federal program costs.

Allocation of funds.

Additional funds.


"SEC. 402. (a) The Administration is authorized to make financial 42 USC 3742. assistance under this part available to an eligible jurisdiction to enable it to carry out all or a substantial part of a program or project submitted and approved in accordance with the provisions of this title. An eligible jurisdiction shall be— "(1) a State; "(2) a municipality which has no less than 0.15 per centum of total State and local criminal justice expenditures, and which has a population of one hundred thousand or more persons on the basis of the most satisfactory current data available on a nationwide basis to the Administration but only if such municipality