Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1389

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PUBLIC LAW 96-187—JAN. 8, 1980

93 STAT. 1357

"(3) to require by subpena, signed by the chairman or the vice chairman, the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of all documentary evidence relating to the execution of its duties; "(4) in any proceeding or investigation, to order testimony to be taken by deposition before any person who is designated by the Commission and has the power to administer oaths and, in such instances, to compel testimony and the production of evidence in the same manner as authorized under paragraph (3); "(5) to pay witnesses the same fees and mileage as are paid in like circumstances in the courts of the United States; "(6) to initiate (through civil actions for injunctive, declaratory, or other appropriate relief), defend (in the case of any civil action brought under section 309(a)(8) of this Act) or appeal any civil action in the name of the Commission to enforce the provisions of this Act and chapter 95 and chapter 96 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, through its general counsel; "(7) to render advisory opinions under section 308 of this Act; "(8) to develop such prescribed forms and to make, amend, and repeal such rules, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act and chapter 95 and chapter 96 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; and "(9) to conduct investigations and hearings expeditiously, to encourage voluntary compliance, and to report apparent violations to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. "(b) Upon petition by the Commission, any United States district court within the jurisdiction of which any inquiry is being carried on may, in case of refusal to obey a subpena or order of the Commission issued under subsection (a), issue an order requiring compliance. Any failure to obey the order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt thereof. "(c) No person shall be subject to civil liability to any person (other than the Commission or the United States) for disclosing information at the request of the Commission. "(d)(1) Whenever the Commission submits any budget estimate or request to the President or the Office of Management and Budget, it shall concurrently transmit a copy of such estimate or request to the Congress. "(2) Whenever the Commission submits any legislative recommendation, or testimony, or comments on legislation, requested by the Congress or by any Member of the Congress, to the President or the Office of Management and Budget, it shall concurrently transmit a copy thereof to the Congress or to the Member requesting the same. No officer or agency of the United States shall have any authority to require the Commission to submit its legislative recommendations, testimony, or comments on legislation, to any office or agency of the United States for approval, comments, or review, prior to the submission of such recommendations, testimony, or comments to the Congress. "(e) Except as provided in section 309(a)(8) of this Act, the power of the Commission to initiate civil actions under subsection (a)(6) of this section shall be the exclusive civil remedy for the enforcement of the provisions of this Act.".

Witnesses, fees and mileage payment. Post, p. 1358.

26 USC 9001 et seq., 9031 et seq. Infra. 5 USC 500 et seq.

Budget, transmittal to Congress. Legislation, transmittal to Congress.

Post, p. 1358.


SEC. 107. (a) Section 308 of the Act, as so redesignated in section 105(a)(4), is amended to read as follows:

Ante, p. 1354.