Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1398

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 1366

Newspaper or magazine fees.

PUBLIC LAW 96-187—JAN. 8, 1980

shall clearly state that the communication is paid for by such other persons and authorized by such authorized political committee; "(3) if not authorized by a candidate, an authorized political committee of a candidate, or its agents, shall clearly state the name of the person who paid for the communication and state that the communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. "(b) No person who sells space in a newspaper or magazine to a candidate or to the agent of a candidate, for use in connection with such candidate's campaign, may charge any amount for such space which exceeds the amount charged for comparable use of such space for other purposes.". TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS

Ante, p. 1354.

2 USC 437c. 2 USC 437h. 2 USC 441b. 42 USC 5043.

22 USC 901a.

SEC. 112. (a) Section 305 of the Act, as so redesignated in section 105(a)(2), is amended— (1) by striking out "sixty" and inserting in lieu thereof "60"; (2) by striking out "twenty" and inserting in lieu thereof "20"; and (3) by striking out "Federal Election". (b) Section 306(c) of the Act, as so redesignated in section 105(a)(3), is amended by striking out "section 310(a)" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 307(a)". (c) Section 310(a) of the Act, as so redesignated in section 105(a)(4), is amended by striking out "of the United States" the first place it appears therein. (d) The first sentence of section 316(b)(4)(B) of the Act, as so redesignated in section 105(a)(5), is amended by striking out "it" and inserting in lieu thereof "It". (e)(1) Section 403(a) of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 is amended— (A) by striking out "section 301(a)" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 301(1)"; and (B) by striking out "section 301(c)" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 301(3)". (2) Section 6 of the Department of State Appropriations Authorization Act of 1973 is amended by striking out "section 301(e)" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 301(8)". USE OF CONTRIBUTED AMOUNTS FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES

Ante, p. 1354.

SEC. 113. Section 313 of the Act (as redesignated by section 105(4)) is amended to read as follows: " U S E OF CONTRIBUTED AMOUNTS FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES

2 USC 439a.

26 USC 170.

"SEC. 313. Amounts received by a candidate as contributions that are in excess of any amount necessary to defray his expenditures, and any other amounts contributed to an individual for the purpose of supporting his or her activities as a holder of Federal office, may be used by such candidate or individual, as the case may be, to defray any ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in connection with his or her duties as a holder of Federal office, may be contributed to any organization described in section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or may be used for any other lawful purpose, including transfers without limitation to any national, State, or local committee of any political party; except that, with respect to any individual who is not a Senator or Representative in, or Delegate or Resident