Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1641

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PROCLAMATION 4707—DEC. 11, 1979

93 STAT. 1609

161. Schedule 7, part 2D is modified by adding the following new item in numerical sequence: [712.05] 712.06

[Electrical...:] [Optical...] Optical instruments or apparatus, if certified for use in civil aircraft (see headnote 3, part 6C, schedule 6)


[50% ad val.]


162. Schedule 7, part 2D is modified by adding the following new items in numerical sequence:


[712.47] 712.48

[712.49] 712.52

[Electrical...:] [Other:] [Automatic...] If certified for use in civil aircraft (see headnote 3, part 6C, schedule 6)


[40% ad val]

[Other] Electrical measuring, checking, analyzing or automatically-controlling instruments and apparatus, if certified for use in civil aircraft (see headnote 3, part 6C, schedule 6)


[40% ad val.]



Schedule 7, Part 2, Subpart E (as provided in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, Sec. 510] 163. Schedule 7, part 2E is modified by deleting headnote 3(a] and by redesignating headnotes 3(b], [c], (d), (e], and (f) as "3(a]", "(b)", "(c)", "(d)", and "(e)", respectively: 164. Schedule 7, part 2E, headnote 3(a) (as redesignated herein) is modified to read as follows: "3. (a] The complete citation for watches covered by item 715.05 and clocks covered by items 715.15 and 715.16 shall be each of such item numbers, followed by the appropriate item numbers for the respective movements and cases comprising such watches or clocks. Thus, item 715.05716.04-720.20 is the correct citation for a watch in a gold case with a movement having over 17 jewels and valued not over $15."; 165. Schedule 7, part 2E, headnote 3(b) (as redesignated herein] is modified to read as follows: "(b) In this subpart, each of the rates of duty provided for watch movements, having no jewels or not over 17 jewels, not adjusted, not self-winding, and not constructed or designed to operate for a period in excess of 47 hours without rewinding (items 716.10 through 716.44, inclusive) is also the "base rate" for watch movements having the same width and number of jewels covered by item 719.—. For citation purposes, the two blanks on the end of such item number shall be filled in with the last two digits of the item number for the applicable base rate. Thus, "item 719.38" would be the citation for a watch movement, 0.7 inch wide, having 17 jewels, which is adjusted or self-winding or constructed or designed to operate for a period in excess of 47 hours without rewinding, and valued not over $15."; 166. Schedule 7, part 2E, headnote 4(a) is modified by deleting "in Arabic numerals and" in paragraphs (iii) and (iv) of the headnote; 167. Schedule 7, part 2E, headnote 4(e) is modified to read as follows:
