Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1868

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979



Mani, Solomon Maxfield, Morgan McBurney, Mrs. Andrew M McCahey, Fred M McGuire, George E McNeil, Elizabeth Myers Menter, Brig. Gen. Martin, USAF (Ret.) Milam, Ms. Mary Wells Mileti, Nick J Miller, Donald L Miller, Dr. Ron Much, Fred Myers, Dr. Frank L

1404 1267 1267 1267 1395 1398 1267 1267 1267 1267 1267 1267 1267


Romeo, Vincent J Ryan, Lt. Col. James H., USA (Ret.)

1267 1267

S Salvation Army Santos, Grace Maria Salazar Sendejas, Jose Quintana Dominguez Serrill, Theodore R Sethness, Mrs. Charles H., J r Sims, Maria Estela Singer, Joseph H Small, Col. C. Haskell, USA (Ret.) Staub, Robert A Stephens, Dorothy C

1267 1402 1396 1267 1267 1391 1267 1267 1267 1267

Tayac, Chief Turkey Thomas, Patrick Anthony and Wayne Lloyd Titus, Warren Tonkin, Herbert E Townsley, John A Travelers Aid-International Social Service of America Traylar, Kenneth and Jacqueline Tucker,Martin Tyler, Mrs. Pearl Scott


N National Board of Young Men's Christian Associations National Board of Young Women's Christian Associations National Catholic Community Service National Jewish Welfare Board Newman, Larry Nickell, Virgil L Nolan, Chief Commissaryman Robert A., USN (Ret.)

1267 1267 1267 1267 45 1395 1267

1394 1267 1395 1405 1267 1398 1267 1267

O Ogburn, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wayne


Pang Chong Ae Perils, Leo Petersen, Dang Pirie, Robert B

1403 1267 1392 1267 R

Rahmawati, Nyoman 1392 Reveles y Rivera, Jesus 1400 Reynard, Allen H 1395 Robbie, Joseph 1267 Robertson, Steve A 1395 Roca, Mariana de Jesus and Francisco Rubira 1406


U Ullman, Mrs. Audrey Unruh, Mrs. Paula

1267 1267

Vierkant, Dirk

1396 W

Wald,Jeff. Wayne, John Weisman, Dr. Seymour S Whyte, William G Wilkinson, James C Williams, Clifford R Williams, Julius E Williamson, Gail

1267 32 1267 1267 1390 1267 1267 1400