Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/648

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 616



PUBLIC LAW 96-79—OCT. 4, 1979 that the service will be reasonably accessible to such enrolled individuals, and (iii) at least 75 percent of the patients who can reasonably be expected to receive the institutional health service will be individuals enrolled with such organization, if, with respect to such offering, acquisition, or obligation, the State Agency has, upon application under paragraph (2), granted an exemption from such requirement to the organization, combination of organizations, or facility, "(2) A health maintenance organization, combination of health maintenance organizations, or health care facility shall not be exempt under paragraph (1) from obtaining a certificate of need before offering an institutional health service, acquiring major medical equipment, or obligating capital expenditures unless— "(A) it has submitted, at such time and in such form and manner as the State Agency shall prescribe, an application for such exemption, "(B) the application contains such information respecting the organization, combination, or facility and the proposed offering, acquisition, or obligation as the State Agency may require to determine if the organization or combination meets the requirements of paragraph (1) or the facility meets or will meet such requirements, and (C) the State Agency approves such application. In the case of a proposed health care facility (or portion thereof) which has not begun to provide institutional health services on the date an application is submitted under this paragraph with respect to such facility (or portion), the facility (or portion) shall meet the applicable requirements of paragraph (1) when the facility first provides such services. The State Agency shall approve an application submitted under this paragraph if it determines that the applicable requirements of paragraph (1) are met, (3) Notwithstanding subsection (d), a health care facility (or any part thereof) or medical equipment with respect to which an exemption was granted under paragraph (1) may not be sold or leased and a controlling interest in such facility or equipment or in a lease of such facility or equipment may not be acquired and a health care facility described in subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1) which was granted an exemption under paragraph (1) may not be used by any person other than the lessee described in such subparagraph unless— "(A) the State Agency issues a certificate of need approving the sale, lease, acquisition, or use, or "(B) the State Agency determines, upon application, that (i) the entity to which the facility or equipment is proposed to be sold or leased, which intends to acquire the controlling interest, or which intends to use the facility is a health maintenance organization or a combination of health maintenance organizations which meets the requirements of clause (i) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) and (ii) with respect to such facility or equipment, the entity meets the requirements of clauses (ii) and (iii) of such subparagraph (A) or the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1). "(4) In the case of a health maintenance organization or an ambulatory care facility or health care facility which ambulatory or health care facility is controlled, directly or indirectly, by a health maintenance organization or a combination of health maintenance organizations, a State may under the program apply its certificate of need requirements only to the offering of inpatient institutional health services, the acquisition of major medical equipment, and the obligation of capital expenditures for the offering of inpatient institu-