Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/660

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 628


42 USC 300n-3.

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SEC. 125. (a) Section 1534(b)(1) is amended (1) by inserting "and it will be able to provide assistance and dissemination of information to health systems agencies and State Agencies as provided in subsections (a) and (c)," after "paragraph (2)", and (2) by inserting "and is able to provide such assistance and dissemination of information" after "such requirements", (b) Clause (2) of section 1534(c) is amended to read as follows: "(2) shall develop and use methods (satisfactory to the Secretary) to disseminate to such agencies and State Agencies planning approaches, methodologies (including methodologies to provide for education of new board members and new staff and continuing education of board members and staff of such agencies and State Agencies), policies, and standards.". DEFINITIONS

42 USC 300n.

Consultations with congressional committees. 42 USC 300n note.

42 USC 300m-2. Ante, p. 614.

42 USC 254c. ^

SEC. 126. (a)(1) Section 1531(5) is amended to read as follows: "(5) The term 'institutional health services' means health services which (A) are provided through private and public hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, and other health care facilities, as defined by the Secretary by regulation, and (B) entail annual operating costs of at least the expenditure minimum. For purposes of this paragraph, the term 'expenditure minimum' means $75,000 for the twelve-month period beginning with the month in which this paragraph is enacted and for each twelve-month period thereafter, $75,000 or, at the discretion of the State, the figure in effect for the preceding twelve-month period, adjusted to reflect the change in the preceding twelve-month period in an index maintained or developed by the Department of Commerce and designated by the Secretary by regulation for purposes of making such adjustment.". (2) After the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall consult with the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives before promulgating regulations defining health care facilities for purposes of section 1531(5) of the Public Health Service Act as amended by paragraph (1). (b) Section 1531 is amended by adding after paragraph (8) (added by section 117 of this Act) the following new paragraphs: "(9) For purposes of paragraph (5) of this section and sections 1523(a)(4)(B) and 1527, the term 'rehabilitation facility' means an inpatient facility which is operated for the primary purpose of assisting in the rehabilitation of disabled persons through an integrated program of medical and other services which are provided under competent professional supervision. For purposes of the remaining provisions of this title, the term 'rehabilitation facility' means an inpatient facility described in the preceding sentence and, in addition, an outpatient facility which is operated as described in such sentence. "(10) The term 'medically underserved population' has the same meaning as such term has under section 330(b)(3). "(11) Any reference to the term 'health' includes physical and mental health. "(12) The term 'physician' means a doctor of medicine or osteopathy legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery by a State.".