Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/665

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PUBLIC LAW 96-79—OCT. 4, 1979

93 STAT. 633

"(E) to projects for medical facilities which, alone or in conjunction with other facilities, will provide comprehensive health care, including outpatient and preventive care as well as hospitalization; "(2) prescribe for medical facilities projects assisted under part A or B general standards of construction, modernization, and equipment, which standards may vary on the basis of the class of facilities and their location; and "(3) prescribe the general manner in which each entity which receives financial assistance under part A or B or has received financial assistance under part A or B or title VI shall be 42 USC 300qrequired to comply with the assurances required to be made at ^^^<i"2.300r, the time such assistance was received and the means by which Jl;^ p. 632. Ante, such entity shall be required to demonstrate compliance with such assurances. An entity subject to the requirements prescribed pursuant to paragraph (3) respecting compliance with assurances made in connection with receipt of financial assistance shall submit periodically to the Secretary data and information which reasonably supports the entity's compliance with such assurances. The Secretary may not waive the requirement of the preceding sentence. "APPLICATIONS

"SEC. 1621. (a) No loan, loan guarantee, or grant may be made 42 USC 300s-l. under part A or B for a medical facilities project unless an application for such project has been submitted to and approved by the Secretary. If two or more entities join in a project, an application for such project may be filed by any of such entities or by all of them. 'XbXD An application for a medical facilities project shall be submitted in such form and manner as the Secretary shall by regulation prescribe and shall, except as provided in paragraph (2), set forth— "(A) in the case of a modernization project for a medical facility for continuation of existing health services, a finding by the State Agency of a continued need for such services, and, in the case of any other project for a medical facility, a finding by the State Agency of the need for the new health services to be provided through the medical facility upon completion of the project; "(B) in the case of an application for a grant, assurances satisfactory to the Secretary that (i) the applicant making the application would not be able to complete the project for which the application is submitted without the grant applied for, and (ii) in the case of a project to construct a new medical facility, it would be inappropriate to convert an existing medical facility to provide the services to be provided through the new medical facility; "(C) in the case of a project for the discontinuance of a service or facility or the conversion of a service or a facility, an evaluation of the impact of such discontinuance or conversion on the provision of health care in the health service area in which such service was provided or facility located; "(D) a description of the site of such project; "(E) plans and specifications therefor which meet the requirements of the regulations prescribed under section 1620(2); ^^te, p. 632. "(F) reasonable assurance that title to such site is or will be vested in one or more of the entities filing the application or in a public or other nonprofit entity which is to operate the facility on completion of the project;