Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/798

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 766

Publication in S^^^^j. ^ * ^ ^'

PUBLIC LAW 96-102—NOV. 5, 1979 comparable requirements, (ii) under applicable State law, the Governor and other appropriate State officers and employees are not prevented from administering and enforcing such requirements under a delegation of authority pursuant to Federal law, and (iii) if implemented such requirements would not be contrary to State law. Subject to paragraph (2), such provisions shall cease to apply in any State if the Governor of the State withdraws any request under subparagraph (A). (2) The requirements of subsection (a) shall apply in every State if there is in effect a finding by the President that nationwide implementation of such requirements would be appropriate and consistent with the purposes of this title. (3) Such requirements shall take effect in any State beginning on the 5th day after the Secretary or the President (as the case may be) publishes notice in the Federal Register of the applicability of the requirements to the State pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the authority vested in the President under paragraph (2) may not be delegated. (d) EXEMPTIONS.—The requirements of subsection (a) shall not apply to any motorcycle or motorpowered bicycle, or to any comparable vehicle as may be determined by the Secretary by regulation. (e) ADJUSTMENT OF MINIMUM LEVEI^.—The Secretary may increase

the $5.00 and $7.00 amounts specified in subsections (a) and (b) if the Secretary considers it appropriate. Adjustments under this subsection shall be only in even dollar amounts. (f) CIVIL PENALTIES.—(1) Whoever violates the requirements of subsection (a) shall be subject to a civil penalty of not to exceed $100 for each violation. (2) Any penalty under paragraph (1) may be assessed by the court in any action under this section brought in any appropriate United States district court or any other court of competent jurisdiction. Except to the extent provided in paragraph (3), any such penalty collected shall be deposited into the general fund of the United States Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. (3) The Secretary may enter into an agreement with the Governor of any State under which amounts collected pursuant to this subsection may be collected and retained by the State to the extent necessary to cover costs incurred by that State in connection with the administration and enforcement of the requirements of subsection (a) the authority for which is delegated under subsection (g). (g) ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT DELEGATED TO STATES.—(1)

There is hereby delegated to the Governor of any State, and other State and local officers and employees designated by the Governor, the authority to administer and enforce, within that State, any provision of this part which is to be administered and enforced in accordance with this section. Such authority includes the authority to institute actions on behalf of the United States for the imposition and collection of civil penalties under subsection (f). (2)(A) All delegation of authority under paragraph (1) with respect to any State shall be considered revoked effective (i) upon the receipt of a written waiver of authority signed by the Governor of such State or (ii) upon a determination by the President that such delegation should be revoked, but only to the extent of that determination. (B) If at any time the conditions of subsection (c)(l)(B) are no longer satisfied in any State to which a delegation has been made under paragraph (1), the attorney general of that State shall transmit a written statement to that effect to the Governor of that State and to the President. Such delegation shall be considered revoked effective