Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/1312

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 1262 Plan assets. Post, p. 1296.

Ante, p. 1210.

Ante, p. 1210. Insolvent plan.

PUBLIC LAW 96-364—SEPT. 26, 1980

"(2) For purposes of this section, plan assets include outstanding claims for withdrawal liability (within the meaning of section 4001(a)(12)). "(c)(1) If, according to the determination made under subsection (b), the value of nonforfeitable benefits exceeds the value of the plan's assets, the plan sponsor shall amend the plan to reduce benefits under the plan to the extent necessary to ensure that the plan's assets are sufficient, as determined and certified in accordance with regulations prescribed by the corporation, to discharge when due all of the plan s obligations with respect to nonforfeitable benefits. "(2) Any plan amendment required by this subsection shall, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury— "(A) reduce benefits only to the extent necessary to comply with paragraph (1); "(B) reduce accrued benefits only to the extent that those benefits are not eligible for the corporation's guarantee under section 4022A(b); "(C) comply with the rules for and limitations on benefit reductions under a plan in reorganization, as prescribed in section 4244A, except to the extent that the corporation prescribes other rules and limitations in regulations under this section; and "(D) take effect no later than 6 months after the end of the plan year for which it is determined that the value of nonforfeitable benefits exceeds the value of the plan's assets. "(d)(l) In any case in which benefit payments under a plan which is insolvent under paragraph (2)(A) exceed the resource benefit level, any such payments which are not basic benefits shall be suspended, in accordance with this subsection, to the extent necessary to reduce the sum of such payments and such basic benefits to the greater of the resource benefit level or the level of basic benefits, unless an alternative procedure is prescribed by the corporation in connection with a supplemental guarantee program established under section 4022A(g)(2). "(2) For purposes of this subsection, for a plan year— "(A) a plan is insolvent if— "(i) the plan has been amended to reduce benefits to the extent permitted by subsection (c), and "(ii) the plan's available resources are not sufficient to pay benefits under the plan when due for the plan year; and "(B) 'resource benefit level' and 'available resources have the meanings set forth in paragraphs (2) and (3), respectively, of section 4245(b). "(3) The plan sponsor of a plan which is insolvent (within the meaning of paragraph (2)(A)) shall have the powers and duties of the plan sponsor of a plan in reorganization which is insolvent (within the meaning of section 4245(b)(1)), except that regulations governing the plan sponsor's exercise of those powers and duties under this section shall be prescribed by the corporation, and the corporation shall prescribe by regulation notice requirements which assure that plan participants and beneficiaries receive adequate notice of benefit suspensions. "(4) A plan is not required to make retroactive benefit payments with respect to that portion of a benefit which was suspended under this subsection, except that the provisions of section 4245(c)(4) and (5) shall apply in the case of plans which are insolvent under paragraph (2)(A), in connection with the plan year during which such section