xxxvi Public Law
96-554 96-555
96-556 96-557
John E. Moss Federal Building-United States Courthouse, Calif., designation. AN ACT To designate the Federal Building-United States Courthouse in Sacramento, California, the "John E. Moss Federal Building-United States Courthouse" Dec. 18, 1980 Sangre de Cristo development Company, Inc. AN ACT To authorize the secretary of the Interior to reimburse certain purchasers of subleases from, and creditors of, the Sangre de Cristo Development Company, Incorporated, and for other purposes Dec. 18, 1980 National Forest System lands, N. Mex., designation. AN ACT To designate certain National Forest System lands in the State of New Mexico for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System, and for other purposes Dec. 19, 1980 Tahoe Regional Planning Compact. AN ACT To grant the consent of the Congress to the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact, and to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture and others to cooperate with the planning agency thereby created Dec. 19, 1980 CHAMPUS. AN ACT To amend chapter 55 of title 10, United States Code, to authorize dependents of members of the uniformed services on active duty to use CHAMPUS inpatient cost-sharing rates for certain surgery performed on an outpatient basis Dec. 19, 1980 Crater Lake National Park, Oreg., boundary revision. AN ACT To revise the boundary of Crater Lake National Park in the State of Oregon, and for other purposes Dec. 19, 1980 Wood Residue Utilization Act of 1980. AN ACT To authorize a pilot program to encourage the efficient utilization of wood residues, and for other purposes. Dec. 19, 1980 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Development Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Development Act to change the termination date of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park Commission from the date ten years after the effective date of such Act to the date twenty years after such effective date Dec. 19, 1980 Public debt limit, temporary increase. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for a temporary increase in the public debt limit Dec. 19, 1980 Mdewakanton Sioux Indians, Minn., U.S. land held in trust. AN ACT To provide that certain land of the United State shall be held by the United States in trust for certain communities of the Mdewakanton Sioux in Minnesota Dec. 19, 1980 Architect of the Capitol, contract. AN ACT To authorize the Architect of the Capitol to contract for personal services with individuals, firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, and other legal entities... Dec. 19, 1980 City of Fairfax, Va., legal expenses reimbursment. AN ACT To provide for the reimbusement of legal expenses incurred by the city of Fairfax with respect to a 1971 entry and search by employees of the Federal Government Dec. 22, 1980 National Forest System lands, designations. AN ACT To designate certain National Forest System lands in the States of Colorado, South Dakota, Missouri, South Carolina, and Louisiana for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System, and for other purposes Dec. 22, 1980 U.S. salmon and steelhead resources, conservation. AN ACT To provide for the conservation and enhancement of the salmon and steelhead resources of the United States, assistance to treaty and nontreaty harvesters of those resources, and for other purposes Dec. 22, 1980
3255 3257
3260 3261