Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/57

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-189—FEB. 8, 1980

94 STAT. 7

Township 17 North, Range 121 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, and then in a general westerly direction crossing the Wyoming-Utah State line; "31. 'Neponset Reservoir' means that reservoir located principally in Sections 34 and 35, Township 8 North, Range 7 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Utah, having a capacity of 6,900 acre-feet. "ARTICLE III

"A. There is hereby created an interstate administrative agency to be known as the 'Bear River Commission' which is hereby constituted a legal entity and in such name shall exercise the powers hereinafter specified. The Commission shall be composed of nine Commissioners, three Commissioners representing each signatory State, and if appointed by the President, one additional Commissioner representing the United States of America who shall serve as chairman, without vote. Each Commissioner, except the chairman, shall have one vote. The State Commissioners shall be selected in accordance with State law. Six Commissioners who shall include two Commissioners from each State shall constitute a quorum. The vote of at least two-thirds of the Commissioners when a quorum is present shall be necessary for the action of the Commission. "B. The compensation and expenses of each Commissioner and each adviser shall be paid by the government which he represents. All expenses incurred by the Commission in the administration of this Compact, except those paid by the United States of America, shall be paid by the signatory States on an equal basis. "C. The Commission shall have power to: " 1. Adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations not inconsistent with this Compact; "2. Acquire, hold, convey or otherwise dispose of property; "3. Employ such persons and contract for such services as may be necessary to carry out its duties under this Compact; "4. Sue and be sued as a legal entity in any court of record of a signatory State, and in any court of the United States having jurisdiction of such action; "5. Co-operate with State and Federal agencies in matters relating to water pollution of interstate significance; "6. Perform all functions required of it by this Compact and do all things necessary, proper or convenient in the performance of its duties hereunder, independently or in co-operation with others, including State and Federal agencies. "D. The Commission shall: " 1. Enforce this Compact and its order made hereunder by suit or other appropriate action; "2. Compile a report covering the work of the Commission and expenditures during the current biennium, and an estimate of expenditures for the following biennium and transmit it to the President of the United States and to the Governors of the signatory States on or before July 1 following each biennium.

Bear River Commission, establishment and membership.

Compensation and expenses.


Report, transmittal to President and Governors.


"Rights to direct flow water shall be administered in each signatory State under State law, with the following limitations: "A. When there is a water emergency, as hereinafter defined for each division, water shall be distributed therein as provided below. " 1. Upper Division

Water rights, limitations.