PUBLIC LAW 96-294—JUNE 30, 1980
94 STAT. 675
cations for particular fuels and such other information as may be necessary to facilitate the production of synthetic fuel under this part for the purposes of national defense. (2) With regard to any synthetic fuel which may be acquired by the Corporation through purchase agreements, joint ventures, or Corporation construction projects, the Corporation shall offer to sell such fuels first to the Department of Defense for national defense needs in accordance with such terms and conditions as the Corporation and the Secretary of Defense may provide by contract. PATENTS
SEC. 173. (a) Any contract to provide financial assistance under 42 USC 8773. subtitle D in the form of a loan, a loan guarantee, or a joint venture Ante, p. 654. may, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, require that whenever any invention is made or conceived in the course of or under such contract, title to the patent for such invention shall vest in the Corporation. The Corporation shall have the right to license the patent on a nonexclusive basis. (b)(1) The Corporation may grant a nonexclusive license for the use of any invention for which it holds the patent but it may not grant an exclusive or partially exclusive license except as provided in paragraph (2). (2) The Corporation is authorized to grant an exclusive or partially exclusive license for the use of any invention for which it holds the patent to a responsible applicant or applicants, upon terms reasonable under the circumstances, on the basis of competitive bids and following an opportunity for a hearing, upon notice in the Federal Register thereof to the public, only when, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, such exclusive or partially exclusive license is necessary to assure substantial utilization of such invention within a reasonable time. (c) Each exclusive or partially exclusive license for the use of an invention granted under subsection (b) shall contain such terms and conditions as the Corporation may determine to be appropriate for the protection of the interests of the United States and the general public, including provision for the Corporation, commencing two years after the grant of a license pursuant to subsection (b), to terminate such license if (1) it has not been applied to the commercialization of domestic energy resources or (2) steps have not been taken as necessary to assure substantial utilization of such invention within a reasonable time. (d) Loan or loan guarantee agreements entered into pursuant to sections 132 and 133, respectively, shall include such terms and conditions consistent with this subsection with respect to patents as the Corporation deems appropriate to protect the interests of the Corporation in the case of default. Such agreements shall require in the case of default that all patents, technology, and other proprietary rights resulting from the synthetic fuel project shall be available to the Corporation or its designee, to complete and operate the defaulting project. Such agreements shall contain a provision specifying that other patents, tecnnology, and other proprietary rights owned by the borrower which are necessary for the purpose of completion and operation of the synthetic fuel project shall be licensed to the Corfwration and its designees on equitable terms, including due consideration to the amount of the default payments due to the Corporation.