Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/807

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-294—JUNE 30, 1980

94 STAT. 757

"(1) that all amounts expended or received by the utility which are attributable to the utility program (including any penalties paid by such utility under section 741) are accounted for on the books and records of the public utility separately from amounts attributable to all other activities of such utility; "(2) that all amounts expended by a utility for providing information concerning the availability of the energy audit offered pursuant to subsection (a)(1) are to be treated for such purposes as a current expense of providing utility service and charged to all ratepayers of such utility in the same manner as current operating expenses of providing such utility service; and "(3) that all other amounts expended by a public utility to carry out the provisions of this title, are recovered in the manner specified by the State regulatory authority which has ratemaking authority over such utility (or in the case of a nonregulated utility in the manner specified by such nonregulated utility); except that, in the case of a multifamily dwelling, the amount which may be recovered directly from an eligible customer for whom the activities described in subsection (a) are performed shall not exceed a total of $15 per dwelling unit or the actual cost of such activities, whichever is less; in determining the amount to be recovered directly from customers as provided under this paragraph, the State regulatory authority (in the case of a regulated utility) or the utility (in the case of a nonregulated utility) shall take into consideration, to the extent practicable, the customers' ability to pay and the likely levels of participation in the utility program which will result from such recovery. "(c) RATEPAYER.—For purposes of subsection (b), the term 'ratepayer' means any person, State agency, or Federal agency who purchases electric energy or natural gas from a utility for purposes other than for resale. "SEC. 732. BUILDING HEATING SUPPLIER PROGRAM.

42 USC 8283a.

"(a) REQUIREMENTS.—Except as may be provided by the Secretary, the procedures for each building heating supplier program shall be identical to the procedures required for utilities in section 731(a). "(b) WAIVER.—The Governor may waive, for any building heating supplier, any requirement established pursuant to this section, upon demonstration to the Governor's satisfaction that the resources of such supplier do not enable the supplier to comply with such requirement. "PART 4—FEDERAL IMPLEMENTATION "SEC. 741. FEDERAL STANDBY AUTHORITY.

"(a) PROMULGATION OF PLAN BY THE SECRETARY.—If a State does not have a plan approved under section 721 within 270 days after promulgation of rules under section 712(a), or within such additional period as the Secretary may allow pursuant to section 721(a), or if the Secretary determines after notice and opportunity for a public hearing that an approved plan is not being adequately implemented in such State, the Secretary shall— "(1) promulgate a plan which meets the requirements of section 722; and "(2) under such plan, by order, require each regulated utility in the State to offer, no later than 90 days following the date of issuance of such order, to its eligible customers a utility program

42 USC 8284.