Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/86

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 36


PUBLIC LAW 96-192—FEB. 15, 1980 "(5) The development and maintenance of a sound regulatory environment which is responsive to the needs of the public and in which decisions are reached promptly in order to facilitate adaption of the air transportation system to the present and future needs of the domestic and foreign commerce of the United States, the Postal Service, and the national defense. "(6) The encouragement of air service at major urban areas in the United States through secondary or satellite airports, where consistent with regional sdrport plans of regional and local authorities, and when such encouragement is endorsed by appropriate State entities encouraging such service by air carriers whose sole responsibility in any specific market is to provide service exclusively at the secondary or satellite airport, and fostering an environment which reasonably enables such carriers to establish themselves and to develop their secondary or satellite airport services. "(7) The prevention of unfair, deceptive, predatory, or anticompetitive practices in air transportation, and the avoidance of— "(A) unreasonable industry concentration, excessive market domination, and monopoly power; and "(B) other conditions; that would tend to allow one or more air carriers or foreign air carriers unreasonably to increase prices, reduce services, or exclude competition in air transportation. "(8) The maintenance of a comprehensive and convenient system of continuous scheduled interstate and overseas airline service for small communities and for isolated areas in the United States, with direct Federal assistance where appropriate. "(9) The encouragement, development, and maintenance of an air transportation system relying on actued and potential competition to provide efficiency, mnovation, and low prices, and to determine the variety, quality, and price of air transportation services. 'XIO) The encouragement of entry into air transportation markets by new air carriers, the encouragement of entry into additional air trsmsportation markets by existing air carriers, and the continued strengthening of small air carriers so as to assure a more effective, competitive airline industry. "(11) The promotion, encouragement, and development of civil aeronautics and a viable, privately owned United States air transport industry. "(12) The strengthening of the competitive position of United States air carriers to at least assure equality with foreign air carriers, including the attainment of opportunities for United States air carriers to maintain and increase their profitability, in foreign air transportation.". SEC. 3. (a) Section 102(c) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1302(c)) is repealed. (b) That portion of the table of contents contained in the first section of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 which appears under the side heading "Sec. 102. Declaration of policy: The Board."

is amended by striking out "(a) Factors for interstate and overseas air transportation. "(b) Factors for £dl<argo service. "(c) Factors for foreign air transportation."

and inserting in lieu thereof