Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/943

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-304—JULY 8, 1980

94 STAT. 893


For payment to Frances Reid Slack, widow of John M. Slack, late a Representative from the State of West Virginia, $60,663. CoNTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE ALLOWANCES AND EXPENSES (RESCISSION)

Of the funds appropriated under this head in Public Law 96-86, ^^ Stat. 656. $1,000,000 are rescinded. ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS CAPITOL G R O U N D S


Of the funds appropriated under this head in Public Law 96-86, made available until expended, $1,792,000 are rescinded. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE CONGRESSIONAL PRINTING AND BINDING

For an additional amount for Congressional printing and binding," $4,578,000, fiscal year 1980: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for printing and binding part 2 of the Annual Report of the Secretary of Agriculture (known as the Yearbook of Agriculture): Provided further. That this appropriation shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred under the appropriations for similar purposes for preceding fiscal years. PRINTING AND BINDING

For an additional amount for "Printing and binding," $5,295,000, fiscal year 1980: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for printing and binding part 2 of the Annual Report of the Secretary of Agriculture (known as the Yearbook of Agriculture): Provided further. That this appropriation shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred under the appropriations for similar purposes for preceding fiscal years. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SALARIES AND EXPENSES (RESCISSION)

Of the funds appropriated under this head in Public Law 96-86, $500,000 are rescinded.