Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/1028

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 2306

PUBLIC LAW 96-479—OCT. 21, 1980

necessary to maintain national security, economic well-being and industrial production with appropriate attention to a long-term balance between resource production, energy use, a healthy environment, natural resources conservation, and social needs. The Congress jfurther declares that implementation of this policy requires that the President shall, through the Executive Office of the President, coordinate the responsible departments and agencies to, among other measures— (1) identify materials needs and assist in the pursuit of measures that would assure the availability of materials critical to commerce, the economy, and national security; (2) establish a mechanism for the coordination and evaluation of Federal materials programs, including those involving research and development so as to complement related efforts by the private sector as well as other domestic and international agencies and organizations; (3) establish a long-range assessment capability concerning materials demands, supply and needs, and provide for the policies and programs necessary to meet those needs; (4) promote a vigorous, comprehensive, and coordinated program of materials research and development consistent with the policies and priorities set forth in the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6601 et seq.); (5) promote cooperative research and development programs with other nations for the equitable and frugal use of materials and energy; (6) promote and encourage private enterprise in the development of economically sound and stable domestic materials industries; and (7) encourage Federal agencies to facilitate availability and development of domestic resources to meet critical materials needs. IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY

30 USC 1603.

SEC. 4. For the purpose of implementing the policies set forth in section 3 and the provisions of section 5 of this Act, the Congress declares that the President shall, through the Executive Office of the President, coordinate the responsible departments and agencies, and shall— (1) direct that the responsible departments and agencies identify, assist, and make recommendations for carrying out appropriate policies and programs to ensure adequate, stable, and economical materials supplies essential to national security, economic well-being, and industrial production; (2) support basic and applied research and development to provide for, among other objectives— (A) advanced science and technology for the exploration, discovery, and recovery of nonfuel materials; (B) enhanced methods or processes for the more efficient production and use of renewable and nonrenewable resources; (C) improved methods for the extraction, processing, use, recovery, and recycling of materials which encourage the conservation of materials, energy, and the environment; and (D) improved understanding of current and new materials performance, processing, substitution, and adaptability in engineering designs;