PUBLIC LAW 96-487—DEC. 2, 1980
94 STAT. 2383
for, and populations offish and wildlife including, but not limited to, brown/grizzly bears, moose, caribou, Dall sheep, wolves, swans and other waterfowl; and to provide continued opportunities, including reasonable access, for mountain climbing, mountaineering and other wildnerness recreational activities. That portion of the Alaska Railroad right-of-way within the park shall be subject to such laws and regulations applicable to the protection of fish and wildlife and other park values as the Secretary, with the concurrence of the Secretary of Transportation, may determine. Subsistence uses by local residents shall be permitted in the additions to the park where such uses are traditional in accordance with the provisions in title VIIL (b) The Alaska Land Use Council shall, in cooperation with the Secretary, conduct a study of the Kantishna Hills and Dunkle Mine areas of the park as generally depicted on a map entitled "Kantishna Hills/Dunkle Mine Study Area", dated October 1979, and report thereon to the Congress not later than three years from the date of enactment of this Act. The study and report shall evaluate the resources of the area, including but not limited to, fish and wildlife, public recreation opportunities, wilderness potential, historic resources, and minerals, and shall include those recommendations respecting resources and other relevant matters which the Council determines are necessary. In conjunction with the study required by this section, the Council, in consultation with the Secretary, shall compile information relating to the mineral potential of the areas encompassed within the study, the estimated cost of acquiring mining properties, and the environmental consequences of further mineral development. (c) During the period of the study, no acquisition of privately owned land shall be permitted within the study area, except with the consent of the owner, and the holders of valid mining claims shall be permitted to operate on their claims, subject to reasonable regulations designed to minimize damage to the environment: Provided, however. That such lands or claims shall be subject to acquisition without the consent of the owner or holder if the Secretary determines, after notice and opportunity for hearing, if such notice and hearing are not otherwise required by applicable law or regulation, that activities on such lands or claims will significantly impair important scenic, wildlife, or recreational values of the public lands which are the subject of the study.
Post, p. 2422. Study. Report to Congress.
Land acquisition, notice and hearing.
SEC. 203. Subject to valid existing rights, the Secretary shall 16 USC 4i0hh-2. administer the lands, waters, and interests therein added to existing areas or established by the foregoing sections of this title as new areas of the National Park System, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535), as amended and supplemented (16 U.S.C. 1 et seq.), and, as appropriate, under section 1313 and the other Post, p. 2483. applicable provisions of this Act: Provided, however. That hunting shall be permitted in areas designated as national preserves under the provisions of this Act. Subsistence uses by local residents shall be allowed in national preserves and, where specifically permitted by this Act, in national monuments and parks. Lands, waters, and interests therein withdrawn or reserved for the former Katmai and Glacier Bay National Monuments are hereby incorporated within and made a part of Katmai National Park or Glacier Bay National
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