Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/1129

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-487—DEC. 2, 1980

94 STAT. 2407

Sealaska, Incorporated, as provided by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and this Act. (2) Nothing in this section shall affect the continuation of the opportunity for subsistence uses by residents of Admiralty Island, consistent with title VIII of this Act. (3) Subject to valid existing rights, there is hereby granted to Kootznoowoo, Incorporated— (A) all right, title, and interest in and to the following described lands, rocks, pinnacles, islands, and islets above mean high tide:

43 USC 1601 "°*®Kootznoowoo, ^'^'^

Copper River Base and Meridian Township 50 south, range 67 east, sections 25, 26, 35, 36; Township 50 south, range 68 east, sections 30, 31, and that portion of section 32 south of Favorite Bay; Township 51 south, range 67 east, sections 1, 2, 11, 12, and 13; Township 51 south, range 68 east, that portion of section 5 south of Favorite Bay, sections 6, 7, and 8, west half of section 9, northwest quarter of section 16; and north half of section 17; subject to those subsurface interests granted to Sealaska, Incorporated, in paragraph 7 herein, and subject to any valid existing Federal administrative sites within the area. (B) The right to develop hydroelectric resources on Admiralty Island within township 49 south, range 67 east, and township 50 south, range 67 east. Copper River Base and Meridian, subject to such conditions as the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe for the protection of water, fishery, wildlife, recreational, and scenic values of Admiralty Island. (C) All rights, title, and interest in and to the rocks, pinnacles, islands, and islets, and all the land from the mean high tide mark to a point six hundred and sixty feet inland of all shorelands, excluding the shores of lakes, in and adjacent to the inland waters from Kootznahoo Inlet to the rangeline separating range 68 east and range 69 east. Copper River Base and Meridian, and including those parts of Mitchell, Kanalku, and Favorite Bay west of that line, subject to the following reserved rights of the United States: (i) All timber rights are reserved subject to subsistence uses consistent with title VIII of this Act. (ii) The right of public access and use within such area, subject to regulation by the Secretary of Agriculture to insure protection of the resources, and to protect the rights of quiet enjoyment of Kootznoowoo, Incorporated, granted by law, including subsistence uses consistent with title VIII of this Act. (iii) The subsurface estate. (iv) The development rights, except that the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to permit construction, maintenance, and use of structures and facilities on said land which he determines to be consistent with the management of the Admiralty Island National Monument: Provided, That all structures and facilities so permitted shall be constructed of materials which blend and are compatible with the immediate and surrounding landscape. (D) Any right or interest in land granted or reserved in paragraphs (3) (A, B, and C) shall not be subject to the provisions of the Wilderness Act. 16 USC 1131 note.