Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/118

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 1396


Ante, pp. 1391, 1393.

PUBLIC LAW 96-374—OCT. 3, 1980

322(a)(2)(A)(iii) referred to a postgraduate degree rather than a bachelor's degree. "(2) The Secretary may waive the requirements set forth in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) with respect to a postgraduate degree in the case of any institution otherwise eligible under such paragraph for a challenge grant upon determining that the institution makes a substantial contribution to medical education opportunities for minorities and the economically disadvantaged. "(b) The Secretary may make a grant under this section for a period of not more than 5 years. A grant under this section may be used for the programs and activities described in part A or part B, as the case may be. "APPLICATIONS FOR CHALLENGE GRANTS

20 USC 1065.

"SEC. 332. (a) Any institution eligible for a challenge grant under section 331(a) may apply for such a grant under section 341, except that the application for the purpose of this part shall— "(1) provide evidence that funds are available to the applicant to match funds that the Secretary is requested to make available to the institution as a challenge grant; "(2) in the case of an application by a public institution, contain the recommendations of an appropriate State agency responsible for higher education in the State, or provide evidence that the institution requested the State agency to comment but the State agency failed to comment; and "(3) in the case of an application by an institution described under section 331(a)(1)(B), demonstrate how challenge grant funds will be used to eradicate the conditions enumerated in section 322(b)(1) through (11), and lead to greater financial independence. "(b) Not later than April 1 of the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year in which any grant is to be made under this part, the Secretary shall determine which institutions will receive challenge grants under this part and notify the institutions of the amount of the grant. "(c) In approving applications for grants under this part, preference shall be given to institutions which are receiving, or have received, grants under part A or part B. "PART D—GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE

20 USC 1066.

Application requirements.

"SEC. 341. (a) Any institution which is eligible for assistance under this title may submit to the Secretary an application for assistance at such time, in such form, and containing such information, as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to evaluate its need for assistance. Subject to the availability of appropriations to carry out this title, the Secretary may approve an application for a grant under this title if the application meets the requirements of subsection (b) and shows that the applicant is eligible for assistance in accordance with the part of this title under which the assistance is sought. "(b) An institution, in its application for a grant, shall— "(1) g^t forth, or describe how it will develop, a comprehensive development plan to strengthen the institution's academic quality and institutional management, and otherwise provide for institutional self-sufficiency and growth (including measurable objectives for the institution and the Secretary to use in monitoring the effectiveness of activities under this title);