Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/1343

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-499—DEC. 5, 1980

94 STAT. 2621

"(K) provides that the State will bar any specified individual from participation in the program for the period specified by the Secretary when required by him to do so pursuant to section 1128, and provides that no payment may be made under the Ante, p. 2619. program with respect to any item or service furnished by such individual during such period.". COORDINATED AUDITS UNDER THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT

SEC. 914. (a) Title XI of the Social Security Act is amended by inserting after section 1128 (added by section 913(a) of this title the following new section: COORDINATED AUDITS

" S E C 1129. (a) If an entity provides services reimbursable on a costrelated basis under title V or XIX, as well as services reimbursable on such a basis under title XVIII, the Secretary shall require, as a condition for payment to any State under title V or XIX with respect to administrative costs incurred in the performance of audits of the books, accounts, and records of that entity, that these audits be coordinated through common audit procedures with audits performed with respect to the entity for purposes of title XVIII. The Secretary shall specify by regulation such methods as he finds feasible and equitable for the apportionment of the cost of coordinated audits between the program established under title V or XIX and the program established under title XVIII. Where the Secretary finds that a State has declined to participate in such a common audit with respect to title V or XIX, he shall reduce the payments otherwise due such State under such title by an amount which he estimates to be in excess of the amount that would have been apportioned to the State under the title (for the expenses of the Sate incurred in the common audit) if it had participated in the common audit. "(b)(1) In the case of entities which have audits coordinated under subsection (a), the Secretary shall establish one or more projects to demonstrate the feasibility of creating a single coordinated appeal hearing to adjudicate those administrative cost items which are determined under such a coordinated audit and which such entities dispute and appeal. "(2) In the case of a demonstration project under this subsection, the Secretary may waive such requirements of title V, XVIII, or XIX as would prevent carrying out the project or would require duplicative activity or otherwise create unnecessary administrative burdens in carrying out the project. "(3) The Secretary shall report to Congress not later than December 31, 1982, with respect to demonstration projects conducted under this subsection, including the reaction of the entities involved and estimates of any savings effected through reduction of duplication of appeal hearings, and shall include in such report recommendations for such legislation as the Secretary deems appropriate to insure the maximum feasible coordination of such appeal hearings. "(4) The Secretary shall also provide for the review of the feasibility of establishing a single coordinated process for the collection of overpayments established in a coordinated audit under subsection (a). The Secretary shall report to Congress not later than December 31, 1981, on such review and on such recommendations for changes in legislation as the Secretary deems appropriate.". (b)(1) Section 1902(a) of such Act is amended—

42 USC 1320a42 USC 701, 1396. 42 USC 1395.

Demonstration projects.


Report to Congress.

Review, report to Congress.

42 USC 1396a.