Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/292

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 1570

42 USC 300/-2, 300m-3.

PUBLIC LAW 96-398—OCT. 7, 1980 or associations no part of the net earnings of which inures or may lawfully inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or person. (6) The term "priority population group" means an identifiable population group in a mental health service area which is unserved or underserved by mental health programs in such area as determined under a health systems plan or a State health plan in effect under section 1513 or 1524 of the Public Health Service Act. (7) The term "Governor" means the chief executive officer of a State. PART B—STATE ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBIUTIES STATE MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY

42 USC 9421.

SEC. 105. Each State shall designate an agency of the State to be responsible for the mental health programs of the State. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE AREAS

Redesignation. 42 USC 9422. Boundaries.

42 USC 300k-l.

Boundary review; revision.

Notice; hearing.

SEC. 106. (a) Each catchment area of a community mental health center designated under the Community Mental Health Centers Act is redesignated as a mental health service area. (b) A mental health service area in a State shall, except to the extent permitted under regulations of the Secretary, have boundaries which conform to or are within the boundaries of a health service area established under title XV of the Public Health Service Act and, to the extent practicable, conform to boundaries of one or more school districts or political or other subdivisions in the State. (c)(1) The State mental health authority of a State shall review the boundaries of any mental health service area in the State which does not meet the requirements of subsection (b) and shall make such revisions in the boundaries of the area as may be necessary to meet such requirements. (2) The State mental health authority of a State may review the boundaries of any mental health service area in the State and may revise the boundary of any such area to— (A) ensure that the size of such area is such that the services to be provided in the area are available and accessible to the residents of the area promptly, as appropriate, and (B) ensure that the boundary of such area eliminates, to the extent possible, barriers to access to the services provided in the area, including barriers resulting from an area's physical characteristics, its residential patterns, its economic and social groupings, and its available transportation. (3) In conducting a review of a boundary under paragraph (1) or (2) a State mental health authority shall provide notice of its review and shall provide a reasonable opportunity for a hearing on its review and any proposed boundary revision. ALLOTMENTS TO STATES TO IMPROVE THE ADMINISTRATION OF STATE MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS

42 USC 9423.

SEC. 107. (a) For the purpose of assisting State mental health authorities to improve the administration of State mental health programs and to carry out their activities under this Act relating to— (1) planning and program design.