Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/315

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-398—OCT. 7, 1980

94 STAT. 1593

an individual on its staff who is fluent in both that language and English and whose responsibilities shall include providing guidance to such individuals and to appropriate staff members with respect to cultural sensitivity and bridging linguistic and cultural differences; (5) assurances that the applicant has in effect a system, satisfactory to the Secretary, to assure that an employee of the applicant who reports to any officer or employee of the Department of Health and Human Services or appropriate State authority any failure on the part of the applicant to comply with an applicable requirement of this Act or regulation of the Secretary or requirement of State law will not on account of such report be discharged or discriminated against with respect to the employee's comjpensation or the terms, conditions, or privileges of the employee s employment; (6) satisfactory assurances that each facility to be used in the provision of mental health or support services to be supported by the grant applied for meets the requirements of applicable fire and safety codes imposed by State law; (7) information on the organization and operation of the applicant; (8) satisfactory assurances that the applicant will submit such reports, at such times and containing such information, as the Secretary may request and maintain such records as the Secretary may find necessary for purposes of this Act, and afford the Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States such access to such records and other documents as may be necessary for an effective audit of the project; (9) satisfactory assurances that funds made available under this Act will be used to supplement and, to the extent practical, increase the level of non-Federal funds that would, in the absence of those Federal funds, be made available for the purpose for which the funds under this Act are made available, and will in no event supplant such non-Federal funds; (10) satisfactory assurances that measures have been taken by the applicant to consult with members of the group or groups to be served, members of the public, and affected organizations and agencies during the development of the application, and to give reasonable opportunities to members of such groups, members of the public, and interested organizations and agencies to comment on the application; (11) assurances that the applicant has made satisfactory efforts to coordinate the services to be provided with other mental health and support services in the same area; (12) in the case of a grant under section 201 or 202, information regarding the extent to which and manner in which the applicant has served chronically mentally ill individuals in prior years (if such service has been provided) and proposes to serve chronically mentally ill individuals during the fiscal year for which the grant is sought; (13) statistics and other information requested by the Secretary necessary to evaluate the compliance of the application with the requirements of this section; (14) satisfactory assurance that the project is consistent with the State mental health services program; and (15) such other information and material and such other assurances as the Secretary may prescribe.

Noncompliance report, employee protection.

Records and other documents, accessibility.

Non-Federal funds, increase.