Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/319

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-398—OCT. 7, 1980

94 STAT. 1597


SEC. 326. Such portion as the Secretary may determine, but not more than 2 percent, of the total amount appropriated under title II for any fiscal year is available to the Secretary to provide technical assistance, including short-term training, to any State mental health authority or other entity which is or has been a recipient of a grant under title II or this title to assist it in developing, or in better administering, the mental health services program or programs for which it is responsible.

42 USC 9491. Ante, p. 1571.


SEC. 327. Except as provided in section 101(b)(2), any mental health service which an entity is responsible for providing in a mental health service area under a grant or contract under title II may be provided by it directly at its primary or satellite facilities or through arrangements with other entities or health professionals and others in, or serving residents of, the same mental health service area.

42 USC 9492.


SEC. 328. In lieu of providing funds under a grant under title II or this title, the Secretary may provide such funds under a cooperative agreement, and all requirements which would apply with respect to such a grant shall apply to the cooperative agreement.

42 USC 9493.


SEC. 401. (a) Section 455 of the Public Health Service Act (as amended by section 325 of this Act) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(e)(1) The Director of the National Institute of Mental Health shall designate an Associate Director for Minority Concerns. "(2) The Secretary, acting through the Associate Director for Minority Concerns, shall— "(A) develop and coordinate prevention, treatment, research, and administrative policies and programs to assure increiased emphasis on the mental health needs of minority populations. "(B) support programs and projects relating to the delivery of mental health services to minority populations, including demonstration programs and projects; "(C) develop a plan to increase the representation of minority populations in mental health service delivery and manpower programs; "(D) support programs of basic and applied social and behavioral research on the mental health problems of minority populations; "(E) study the effects of discrimination on institutions and individuals, including majority institutions and individuals;

42 USC 289k-l. Designation. Functions.