PUBLIC LAW 96-418—OCT. 10, 1980
94 STAT. 1771
military department in connection with the establishment or development of installations and facilities, and all authorizations for appropriations therefor, that are contained in titles I, II, III, IV, and V of the Military Construction Authorization Act, 1980 (Public Law 96-125; 93 Stat. 928), and all such authorizations contained in Acts llp^L^^^k^^^' approved before November 26, 1979, and not superseded or otherwise ^^^' ^^^' ^^"• modified by a later authorization are repealed except— (1) authorizations for public works and for appropriations therefor that are set forth in those Acts in the titles that contain the general provisions; and (2) authorizations for public works projects as to which appropriated funds have been obligated for construction contracts, land acquisition, or payments to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, in whole or in part, before October 1, 1981, or the date of the enactment of the Military Construction Authorization Act for fiscal year 1982, whichever is later, and authorizations for appropriations therefor. G)) Notwithstanding the repeal provisions of subsection (a) of this section and section 605 of the Military Construction Authorization Act, 1980 (Public Law 96-125; 93 Stat. 944), authorizations for the following items authorized in section 101 of the Military Construction Authorization Act, 1979 (Public Law 95-356; 92 Stat. 565) shall remain in effect until October 1, 1982, or the date of the enactment of the Military Construction Authorization Act for fiscal year 1983, whichever is later: (1) Energy Control System construction in the amount of $3,300,000 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. (2) Regional Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade construction in the amount of $1,209,000 at Fort Bliss, Texas. (3) Regional Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade construction in the amount of $550,000 at Fort Monroe, Virginia. (4) Barracks with Dining construction in the amount of $4,603,000 at Fulda, Germany. (5) Improvements to Heating System in the amount of $394,000 at Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, Kansas. (6) Energy Control System in the amount of $1,372,000 at Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center, Colorado. (7) Hospital addition, alteration, and upgrade in the amount of $30,283,000 at 2d General Hospital, Landstuhl, Germany. (8) Facilities Modernization in the amount of $1,782,000 at Christensen Barracks, Bindlach, Germany. (9) Facilities Modernization in the amount of $7,731,000 at Ferris Barracks, Erlangen, Germany. (10) Barracks without dining facilities in the amount of $2,299,000 at Conn Barracks, Schweinfurt, Germany. (11) Small Arms Maintenance and Storage Facility in the amount of $3,645,000 at Fort Benning, Georgia. (12) Cargo Handling Training Facility in the amount of $3,666,000 at Fort Eustis, Virginia. (13) Petroleum Storage Facilities in the amount of $2,437,000 at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. (14) Tactical Equipment Shop and Facilities in the amount of $2,272,000 at Fort Polk, Louisiana. (15) Contaminated Waste Incinerator construction in the amount of $620,000 at Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, Kansas. (16) Contaminated Waste Incinerator Plant construction in the amount of $501,000 at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant, Iowa.