Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/540

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 1818

Submittal to Congress.

Status report, submittal to Congress.

Recommendations and anticipated action, submittal to Congress.

Systems safety plan, submittal to Congress.


PUBLIC LAW 96-423—OCT. 10, 1980

railroad safety. Among other factors, such study shall consider the appropriate Federal role, if any, in such training, and the adequacy of such training. The results of such study, together with recommendations for any necessary legislation, shall be submitted to the Congress by December 31, 1980. Ob)(l) The Secretary of Transportation shall make every possible effort to expedite promulgation of a final rule regarding the retrofitting of Department of Transportation specification one hundred and five tank cars with shelf couplers. In the event that such rule is not promulgated prior to December 31, 1980, the Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the Congress a status report with respect to such rule, indicating the Federal Railroad Administration's activities to such date, the current status of such rule, and an estimate as to when a final rule will be promulgated. (2) Whenever the Secretary of Transportation submits a status report pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection, or when the Federal Railroad Administration promulgates a final rule with respect to the retrofitting of Department of Transportation specification one hundred and five tank cars with shelf couplers, the Secretary shall transmit to the Congress any other recommendations and anticipated action by the Department of Transportation with respect to the retrofitting of such tank cars. (c)(1) The Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the Congress a systems safety plan relating to the activities of the Department of Transportation in carrying out rail safety laws. The Secretary shall complete such plan at the earliest possible date, but in no event shall the study be submitted later than January 31, 1981. (2) As part of the plan submitted to the Congress under paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Secretary of Transportation shall develop a methodology to determine frequency and schedules of safety inspections, giving appropriate priority to track and equipment involved with passenger trains and hazardous cargos. Such methodology shall further take into consideration safety records of the rail carriers, location of track and equipment in population centers, volume of usage of track and equipment, and any other factors that the Secretary considers relevant to railroad safety.