Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/69

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-368—OCT. 1, 1980

94 STAT. 1347

Public Law 96-868 96th Congress An Act To authorize the Department of Energy to carry out a high-level liquid nuclear waste management demonstration project at the Western New York Service Center in West Valley, New York.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "West Valley Demonstration Prmect Act". SEC. 2. (a) The Secretary shall carry out, in accordance with this Act, a high level radioactive waste management demonstration project at the Western New York Service Center in West VaUey, New York, for the purpose of demonstrating solidification tecmiiques which can be used for preparing high level radioactive waste for disposal. Under the project the Secretary shall carry out the following activities: (1) The Secretary shall solidify, in a form suitable for transportation and disposal, the high level radioactive waste at the Center by vitrification or by such other technology which the Secretary determines to be the most effective for solidification. (2) The Secretary shall develop containers suitable for the permanent disposal of the high level radioactive waste solidified at the Center. (8) The Secretary shall, as soon as feasible, transport, in accordance with applicable provisions of law, the waste soUdiJEied at the Center to an appropriate Federal repository for permanent disposal. (4) The Secretary shall, in accordance with applicable licensing requirements, dispose of low level radioactive waste and transuranic waste produced by the soUdiHcation of the high level radioactive waste under the project. (5) The Secretary shall decontaminate and decommission— (A) the tanks and other facilities of the Center in which the high level radioactive waste solidified under the project was stored, (B) the facilities used in the soUdification of the waste, and (C) any material and hardware used in coimection with the project, in accordance with such requirements as the Commission may prescribe, (b) Before undertaking the project and during the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981, the Secretary shall carry out the following: (1) The Secretary shall hold in the vicinity of the Center public hearings to inform the residents of the area in which the Center is located of the activities proposed to be undertaken under the project and to receive their comments on the project. (2) The Secretary shall consider the various technologies available for the solidification and handling of high level radioactive waste taking into account the unique characteristics of such waste at the Center.

Oct. 1, 1980 [S. 2443]

West Valley Demonstration Project Act. 42 USC 2021a note. 42 USC 2021a note.

