Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/701

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-450—OCT. 14, 1980

94 STAT. 1979

"(2) shall be considered a gift and shall be in lieu of payment of any lesser death gratuity authorized by any other Federal law; and "(3) shall be made under the same conditions as apply to pa5nments authorized by section 14 of the Act of August 1, 1956 (22 U.S.C. 2679a).". (b)(1) Chapter 75 of title 10, United States Code, relating to death benefits, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "§1489. Death gratuity: members and employees dying outside the lo use 1489. United States while assigned to intelligence duties "(a) The Secretary of Defense may pay a gratuity to the surviving dependents of any member of the Armed Forces or of any employee of the Department of Defense— ^'(Dwho— "(A) is assigned to duty with an intelligence component of the Department of Defense and whose identity as such a member or employee is disguised or concealed; or "(B) is within a category of individuals determined by the Secretary of Defense to be engaged in clandestine intelligence activities; and "(2) who after the date of the enactment of this section dies as a result of injuries (excluding disease) sustained outside the United States and whose death— "(A) resulted from hostile or terrorist activities; or "(B) occurred in connection with an intelligence activity having a substantial element of risk. "(b) Any payment under subsection (a)— "(1) shall be in an amount equal to the amount of the annual basic pay or salary of the member or employee concerned at the time of death; "(2) shall be considered a gift and shall be in lieu of payment of £my lesser death gratuity authorized by this chapter or any other Federal law; and "(3) shall be made under the same conditions as apply to payments authorized by section 14 of the Act of August 1, 1956 (22 U.S.C. 2679a).". (2) The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new item: "Sec. 1489. Death gratuity: members and employees dying outside the United States while assigned to intelligence duties.". SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE WELFARE OF PERSONNEL OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY

SEC. 404. The Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 is amended by adding after section 11 (as added by section 403(a)) the following new section: " AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT GIFTS, DEVISES, AND BEQUESTS

"SEC. 12. (a) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Director 50 USC 403/. may accept, hold, administer, and use gifts of money, securities, or other property whenever the Director determines it would be in the interest of the United States to do so. Any gift accepted under this section (and any income produced by any such gift) may be used only for artistic display or for purposes relating to the general welfare,