94 STAT. 1984
PUBLIC LAW 96-451—OCT. 14, 1980
ancillary facilities as are necessary to insure the safe use of those facilities. Such term shall include acquisition of title, or any interest in, riparian or submerged land, and the capital improvement of riparian or submerged land for the purpose of increasing public access to the waters of the United States. "(15) 'Fund' means the National Recreational Boating Safety and Facilities Improvement Fund established by title II of this Act.". (3) Section 25 is amended to read as follows: NATIONAL RECREATIONAL BOATING SAFETY AND FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 46 USC 1474.
Funds, allocation and distribution.
Guidelines and standards.
Environmental standards.
Funds, eligibility.
Matching funds.
"SEC. 25. (a) In order to encourage greater State participation and uniformity in boating safety and facility improvement efforts, and particularly to permit the States to assume the greater share of boating safety education, assistance, and enforcement activities, the Secretary shall implement and administer a national recreational boating safety and facilities improvement program. Under this program, the Secretary may allocate and distribute funds to eligible States to assist them in the development, administration, and financing of State recreational boating safety and facilities improvement programs. The Secretary shall establish guidelines and standards for this program. In doing so, he shall— "(1) consider, among other things, factors which affect recreational boating safety by contributing to overcrowding and congestion of waterways, such as the increasing number of recreational boats using those waterways and their geographic distribution, and the availability and geographic distribution of recreational boating facilities within and among applying States, as well as State recreational boating casualty and fatality statistics; "(2) consult with the Secretary of the Interior so as to minimize duplication with the purposes and expenditures of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (16 U.S.C. 4601-4) and with the guidelines developed thereunder; and "(3) maintain environmental standards consistent with the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451-1464) and other Federal laws and policies intended to safeguard the ecological and esthetic quality of our Nation's waters and wetlands. "(b) A State whose recreational boating safety and facilities improvement program has been accepted by the Secretary shall be eligible for allocation and distribution of funds under this Act to assist that State in the development, administration, and financing of its State program. Matching funds shall be allocated and distributed among eligible States by the Secretary in accordance with section 26 of this Act". (4) Section 26 is amended to read as follows: PROGRAM A C C E P T A N C E
46 USC 1475.
"SEC. 26. (a) The Secretary, in accordance with this section and such regulations as he may promulgate, may allocate and distribute funds from the fund to any State that has an accepted State recreational boating safety and facilities improvement program, if the State demonstrates to his satisfaction that— "(1) the program submitted by that State is consistent with the purposes of this Act;