94 STAT. 2096
22 USC 4004.
22 USC 4005.
22 USC 4006.
22 USC 4007.
PUBLIC LAW 96-465—OCT. 17, 1980
ties, which are to be considered in recommendations for promotion. The precepts for selection boards responsible for recommending promotions into and within the Senior Foreign Service shall emphasize performance which demonstrates the strong policy formulation capabilities, executive leadership qualities, and highly developed functional and area expertise, which are required for the Senior Foreign Service. SEC. 604. CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS.—The records described in section 603(a) shall be maintained in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary. Except to the extent that they pertain to the receipt, disbursement, and accounting for public funds, such records shall be confidential and subject to inspection only by the President, the Secretary, such employees of the Government as may be authorized by law or assigned by the Secretary to work on such records, the legislative and appropriations committees of the Congress charged with considering legislation and appropriations for the Service, and representatives duly authorized by such committees. Access to such records relating to a member of the Service shall be granted to such member, upon written request. SEC. 605. IMPLEMENTATION OF SELECTION BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS.—(a) Recommendations for promotion made by selection boards shall be submitted to the Secretary in rank order by salary class or in rank order by specialization within a salary class. The Secretary shall make promotions and, with respect to career appointments into or within the Senior Foreign Service, shall make recommendations to the President for promotions, in accordance with the rankings of the selection boards. 0)) Notwithstanding subsection (a), in special circumstances set forth by regulation, the Secretary may remove the name of an individual from the rank order list submitted by a selection board or delay the promotion of an individual named in such a list. SEC. 606. OTHER BASES FOR INCREASING PAY.—(a) The Secretary may pursuant to a recommendation of the Foreign Service Grievance Board, an equal employment opportunity appeals examiner, or the Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board, and shall pursuant to a decision or order of the Merit Systems Protection Board— (1) recommend to the President a promotion of a member of the Service under section 302(a); (2) promote a member of the Service under section 303; (3) grant performance pay to a member of the Senior Foreign Service under section 405(c); or (4) grant a within-class salary increase under section 406 to a member of the Service who is assigned to a salary class in the Foreign Service Schedule. (h) In implementing subsection (a) of this section and in cases in which the Secretary has exercised the authority of section 605(b), the Secretary may, in special circumstances set forth by regulation, make retroactive promotions, grant performance pay, make retroactive within-class salary increases, and recommend retroactive promotions by the President. SEC. 607. RETIREMENT FOR EXPIRATION OF TIME IN CLASS.—(a)(1) The Secretary shall, by regulation, establish maximum time in class limitations for— (A) career members of the Senior Foreign Service, (B) Foreign Service officers, and (C) other career members of the Service who are in such occupational categories as may be designated by the Secretary